Best Brother&Meeting Alexa!

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Stormies POV

Reactions to Ross was amazing! Rydel has been posting pictures of Ross that she's been taking the last few weeks.later that day I was making dinner while Ross played in the garden. As I cut up some vegetables I heard crying. I ran outside and saw Ross on the floor crying. I ran over and lifted him up. His chin was bleeding and so was his elbow and I could see a dark patch on his knee. "Oh baby. What happened?" I asked taking him inside. I sat him on the counter and got the first aid kit out. "I falled over" he whimpered. "Awh Ross." Rocky sighed as he walked in. "Ill sort it mom. You carry on with dinner." Rocky told me. I nodded as he grabbed the first Aid kit and took Ross into the living room.

Rocky's POV

I sat Ross on the couch and pulled off his jeans to see a bleeding cut on his knee. "Oh buddy. that's gotta hurt" I whispered. I cleaned his cut and placed a bandaid on it. "Show me your arm" I orderd. He nodded and sniffled as he lifted his arm up. "Ow" he cried. "It's broken!" He sobbed. "It's not broken" I laughed.I cleaned that cut before placing a bandaid over that one. "Chin time." I exclaimed. Ross giggled slightly. I cleaned his chin "I won't but a bandaid on it because we don't want you to be uncomfortable" he nodded slightly as more tears spilt out of his eyes. "Awh. Does it still hurt?" I asked. He nodded slightly I kissed his knee,elbow and chin. "Better?" He smiled and nodded. I smiled as my phone buzzed. I lifted it out of my pocket and saw a text from my girlfriend,Alexa, 'Heyyy. On my way over. I neeeeeed to meet Ross! ❤️' I smiled 'Okay See you soon beautiful'

Ross was playing with his trains on the floor. I could tell his injuries still hurt because he was silent and every now and then he sniffled slightly. Dad walked in and saw Ross sitting on the floor. "Buddy? What happened?" He asked. "He fell over in the garden" I told him. Dad sighed and lifted the three year old off the floor. "Does it still hurt?" He asked. Ross nodded slightly and dad sighed. "Come on buddy"

Alexa arrived about 8:30 and was very,VERY excited to meet Ross. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey!" She smiled as we kissed. "D'you wanna meet Ross?" I asked. She nodded smiling so I led her to the dining room where Ross was sitting with dad,who was making him laugh.Dad was on the seat and Ross was sitting on the table. Dad was holding his hands. Ross had taken his shoes and socks off so he was bare footed. He was wearing Riker's hoodie over his tiny body and it was longer than him. The arms were rolled up,up to the elbow and Ross' hands were just popping out of it. "Hey dad" Dad looked up and Ross looked at us. I saw Alexa do a little wave a Ross and he smiled,shyly. Alexa smiled. "Can you look after Ross? I have to go get Rydel's and Riker's friends for the movie night" I nodded as walked over,lifting Ross up. "Yeah sure. Go get them" I laughed and Ross started to mess with my hair. He started to spin the hair around his finger and he had his tiny hand tangled in it. Dad smiled. "Thanks Rockstar"

Me and Alexa took Ross into the living room and Alexa sat on the couch while me and Ross stood in the middle of the room. Ross was really light which always worried me,but mom says he's okay so I believe her. Riker's hoodie sleeves had fallen over his hands so the arms were just above his feet. I pulled The hood over Ross' head and smiled. I lifted Ross up so he was touching the ceiling. "Uh oh" I said,smiling "What?" Ross asked. "I'm gonna drop ya" I smiled. He giggled and closed his eyes "One" he started laughing like crazy "Two" he kicked his legs lightly"Three!!" I flew him down fast and laid him on his feet. The hood had fallen back and He was laughing like crazy as he sat down,hitting the hoodie arms off the floor. I smiled and walked over to Alexa,sitting down next to her. Alexa leaned onto my shoulder and I felt a tiny little body get pushed in between us. I looked down and saw Ross smiling,cheekily, as he squeezed between me and my girlfriend. Ross leaned onto me,wrapping his tiny,skinny arms around my waist,Just getting near the hips "Mine" he giggled,looking at Alexa. Alexa pretended to gasp. "I don't think so" she smiled.I smiled,shes always been good with kids and always loved the thought of being a mom. Ross giggled and nodded. "Well the tickle monster will have to sort that out" she told him in a baby voice. Ross squealed,laughing and jumped across me,trying to run away. He failed. Alexa grabbed him and started tickling him. Ross laughed a lot and I smiled before taking a picture of him laughing with my girl. That's my new lock screen "I gotta pee!" Ross squealed,laughing and wriggling around,still attempting to escape. "Okay" Alexa told him,sitting up straight,releasing Ross and giving him a chance to escape. Ross got off of the couch and stood up. He smiled at us both,cheekily "Suckers. I don't have to pee" he giggled and ran into the kitchen for his dinner. "He's already picking up your language I see" Alexa laughed. "I think you and the boys have to start watching what you say." I smiled

"Yep. We'll have to. But Let's hope he doesn't pick up much more of our 'language' Mom won't be very happy"

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