Happy Families? Maybe

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Stormies pov

Me and Ross were in the middle of making cupcakes later that day. "Stormie" he said. I looked down at him. "Yeah?" I asked "Why do the others call you 'mom'?" He asked "Because I'm their mom" I told him. "who's my mom?" He asked. "Well it was Alyssa" I told him "But now I guess it's me" I finished as I poured the candy into the bowls,ready to decorate the cupcakes, "So what do I call you?" He asked. "Well,you could call me Stormie,like you've been doing,Or mom,or Momma-Stormie or mamma or Mommy." I told him. "I like Mommy." He giggled. I smiled "Sounds good." "What about Mark?" He asked. "Well you an call him Mark or Dad or Daddy" I told him. Mark walked in as Ross said "Would he be okay with me calling him daddy?" He asked. "I sure would" Mark said,picking Ross up. Ross giggled as Mark kissed his head. I smiled "I've gotta go get the others so you make me a yummy cupcake to eat when I get back okay?" Mark told him. Ross nodded furiously and Mark smiled before placing him down on the floor. "Mark,tell the kids that Ross is calling us Mommy and Daddy okay?" Mark nodded before leaving.

25 minutes later Ross had decorated a lot of cakes. Everyone had one cake each,Rydels had pink frosting and chocolate sprinkles and her name,Rikers had blue frosting with his name written in white icing with rainbow sprinkles,Rocky and Ryland had blue icing with their names and candy on the cakes. Mark had white frosting and the word Daddy on the cakes. The rest of the cakes had frosting and candy and chocolate on them.I looked at Ross and saw he was decorating the last cake really carefully. "Who's that for?" I asked. "You" he giggled. "Awh." I smiled. I watched at he carefully placed each chocolate sprinkle on one by one in a heart shape. "Can you help me write Mommy?" He asked. I nodded and picked up the icing "Do it neat?" He asked. "Okay" I carefully wrote 'mommy' on the cake and smiled. "thank you" he giggled. "Close your eyes" he ordered "Please" he added. I laughed and covered my eyes. I heard little footsteps and something be placed on the counter. There was silence for a few moments when I heard "Open". I opened my eyes and saw the cakes on a plate in a circle with mine and marks in the middle. I took a picture of them and smiled. "Shall we wash your face?" I asked,seeing as he had icing all over his face. He giggled and nodded.

"Can we do it again tomorrow?" He asked excitedly as he played with his cars. "Not tomorrow honey. Maybe once a week. We'll do it again next week" I told him. He nodded as we heard the door open and close. Riker walked in and picked Ross up. Ross giggled as Riker kissed his nose. "We made cake" Ross giggled "Really?" Riker asked Ross nodded excitedly "You wanna see?" He asked. Riker nodded "of course" He placed Ross on the floor and Ross pulled him into the kitchen. Everyone else walked into the living room and Mark sat down next to me. "So Ross is calling you Mommy now" Rydel squealed. I laughed and nodded.

Ross and Riker walked into the living room with the cakes. Riker sat on the floor and Ross grabbed two cakes at a time. He gave one to Rydel,One to Rocky,one to Ryland,One to Riker,one to Ellington. He then picked up the last two cakes and bought them over to me and Mark "Daddy" he handed Mark a cake "Thank you" "And mommy" he handed me a cake "thanks baby" he giggled as we all ate them.

Later that night

After dinner I let Ross stay up abit late to play with Rydel. "It's Bigger than me" Ross giggled as Rydel built a block tower bigger and bigger. Ross was laughing a lot as Rydel stood on her tip toes. "Make sure that doesn't fall. We wouldn't want little one to get crushed" Rocky laughed,lifting Ross up. Ryland walked in and took Ross away from rocky. "No we would not." He laughed,kissing Ross' head. I smiled as Ross leaned onto Ryland's shoulder.


I woke up to screaming. I dived out of bed and ran to Ross' room. I saw a woman in there with her hands around Ross' neck. "Get off of him!" I screamed,pushing her away from Ross. She fell onto the floor as everyone ran in and I wrapped Ross in a hug, lifting him into my arms. "Who are you?!" Mark yelled at the woman on the floor. "That," she pointed at Ross "is my son! I want him back!" She yelled.Alyssa Carter. "You didn't want him when you had him!" I yelled at rocky called the police. "Ross. Please come back to me" Alyssa whispered. "B-Bu-But You hate me" Ross hiccuped, "No I don't-" Ross cut her off "Yes you do! You were just hurting me and you always said you were gonna kill me! You locked me in the basement with Michael and he hurted me!!" He screamed,crying. I rubbed his back and rocked him in my arms. "Ross. Please. I love you" she told him. "No you dont" Rydel snapped. "He's part of our family now. He's our brother" Ryland yelled. I smiled as the police walked in with Riker following.

By 4.15 Alyssa was gone and I was lying in Ross' bed with ross. "Is she coming back?" Ross whimpered. "No baby. Promise" I whispered,stroking his hair. he nodded as I hugged him and we both fell asleep.


"Mom!" I heard. I opened my eyes to see Riker standing by Ross' bed and Ross was still asleep. "What?" I whispered. "Someone... Some People have,somehow,found out about Ross!"

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