The Trial and Hugs from Alyssa

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February 15th
Stormies POV

Today's the day of the trail with Ross' parents about the abuse and rape. All the kids are coming, even Ross. They need witness proof so I'm worried how Ross will react. We all met brad at the courthouse and he smiled at ross. "Don't you look smart." he smiled. Ross was in a black suit with a tie. "You all ready?" Our defendant asked. We all nodded so I took Ross' hand in mine and we walked into the court room. As we walked in we saw Michael and Alyssa. They both looked at Ross who froze. Alyssa smiled softly. "No!" Ross screamed. Everyone in the courtroom stared at my son. I lifted him up
"I DONT WANNA. TAKE ME HOME MOMMA!!!!" He screamed. I rocked him in my arms "Shhh. it's okay baby boy. Calm down. They won't touch you" I assured. We sat down and it began.

"I call Ross Shor to the witness Stand" Our defendant said. Ross slowly stood up and I walked him to the stand. He stood there and I sat down. "Hi ross" our defendant smiled. Ross smiled slightly. "Ross. Can you please tell us what Alyssa and Michael did to you when you were with them" she asked. "Erm...Michael throwed me in the basement. And he got lodes of different things to hurt me with. He used to hit me and spit on me and one day he got naked and did something that really hurted. He would of keeped going but Alyssa hitted him with something and pushed him away. She undid the chains and told me to run upstairs. I did and then Alyssa was all bruised and bloody." Ross sniffled and I covered my mouth. Almost everyone had tears in their eyes. "Michael locked me in the closet and wouldn't let me go potty or eat. And then he used to throw glass at me" our defendant cut Ross off "I think that's enough thank you ross" I walked over and lifted Ross up before taking him back to our seats. "Well done" I whispered. He smiled slightly. "Next,I call Brad Hummel to the stand." our defendant said.

Brad walked to the stand. "Mr Hummel. How did you meet Ross?" She asked. "Well, I was referred. By my boss, to go and collect him from his previous home with the police. Then I became his social worker" Brad explained. Our defendant nodded "What was he like ?" "Well he was shy. He didn't look at anyone or let anyone touch him. He was really skinny and malnourished. He was unfamiliar with anything outside. When I picked him up from his house with Michael and Alyssa he looked really confused. He was asking me what Grass was or a car. I took him for a McDonalds and he didn't understand what it was. He told me that he thought soup was the only food" Brad explained. "Okay. Thank you Mr Hummel. Lastly I call,Stormie Lynch to the stands." Our defendant exclaimed.

I walked up to the stand and shot Ross a reassuring smile as he climbed into Marks lap "Mrs Lynch. After Ross returned from the few weeks away,what was he like?" She asked. "Very Jumpy. He wouldn't let anyone touch him and wouldn't speak. He looked malnourished again and he was very bruised." I explained. Our defendant nodded "What about when you first got him from the home?" She asked. "He was the same but he would let us touch him and he would speak. He used to sit in the corner after mealtimes and we used to have to assure him he didn't have to. He also never had slept on a bed or had pyjamas" I answered.

2 hours later.

"I sentence Michael Carter to 7 years in prison and Alyssa Carter to 5 years." The judge said. The whole family,Apart from Ross smiled. Ross had fell asleep on brad about 1 hour ago. I lifted the sleeping boy up. "Look! He's passed out because she's not caring for him" Michael screeched. Ross woke up and started crying. I rubbed his back,glaring at Michael. "Stormie. Can I speak to him?" Alyssa asked with tears running down her face. I nodded as Michael got taken away. I took Ross over and placed him on the floor,next to Alyssa. "Ross. I'm so sorry." she whispered. "I know" Ross whispered. "You keeped me alive alot" Alyssa smiled. "He wouldn't let me leave with you" she told him. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry" Alyssa told ross,who nodded. They hugged "Don't come back for me" Ross told her. "I wasn't going too. You're happy where you are"

Later that day.

We arrived home and I took Ross upstairs to get changed. "I'm very proud of you" I told him as I put Riker's hoodie on him. He giggled. "Thank you" he smiled. "You were very brave talking infront of all those people" I smiled and Ross blushed. I put his pyjama pants on him and lifted him up. "Where's the binky?" He asked. I opened his bedside table drawer and saw lodes of pacifiers. He leaned down and picked one up before placing it in his mouth but I took it off him. "Only at bedtime" I told him. "But mommy" he whimpered. "No baby. You're a big boy now" I told him walking out. Ross frowned as I placed him on the floor downstairs.

3 hours later

Everyone sat at the dinner table talking,apart from Ross. He sat playing with his food. "You okay?" Riker asked him. Ross nodded slightly before stabbing him salad.
After dinner,Ross walked upstairs. Me and Mark looked at each other before following Ross upstairs. I saw Ross' door close and I walked over and opened it. I saw Ross lying on his bed with his covers over him. "Hey" I whispered as Mark and I sat on his bed. "You okay buddy?" Mark asked. "Feel sick" Ross whispered. "Awh. Honey get some rest and we'll see you in the morning"

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