Not ready and fustration

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IM SO SORRY!!! I've been doing my exams but they're finished now so I'll be able to update more ❤️ I know it's been a long time but I'll be updating more now. Thank you 🌸 now on with the chapter

Ross' POV

We got to school and daddy and mommy held my hands. I smiled up at them as we walked through the gate. Cheryl walked over with Connor "hi Ross. How have you been honey?" She asked. I smiled and shrugged. "He can only do half days for awhile because he's still really weak" mommy told her. She frowned "Awh. That's not good. Hopefully you'll feel better soon" Cheryl smiled. I nodded as Connor hugged me "You two better head in."

Stormies POV

I kissed Ross' head and walked him inside. Mrs Dawson smiled at me "please keep an eye on him. I don't think he's ready to come back to school but he wants too" I explained. Mrs Dawson nodded "okay Mrs Lynch. I'll see you at Recess"

Me and Mark got In the car and he started driving home. "He'll be fine storm" My husband assured. "But what if he's not. He's had bad headaches all week since he got home and he's weak and-" "Stormie. He's fine. Worst that can happen is he gets sent home. We're picking him up in two hours anyway." Mark told me, patting my knee. I nodded "I guess. But if he isn't feeling well when we pick him up he's not going back until he's 100% better" I told my husband. Mark laughed slightly "okay storm"

2 hours later

We got to the school and I saw Ross lying on the couch in the reception with the nurse and Miss Dawson who was stroking his hair. Mrs Dawson looked at us. "Oh Mr and Mrs Lynch." She looked down at Ross "mommy and daddy are here" she whispered. Ross looked at us and I lifted him up. "Hey baby. What's wrong?" I asked softly. "Head hurts. Wanna sleep" he mumbled into my neck as he lay on my shoulder. "You were right. He's not ready for school yet." The school nurse told me. I nodded "I won't bring him in tomorrow. Not until he's stronger anyway" I told them. "But Connor.." Ross mumbled. "Don't worry about Connor. He'll understand. And he can come over to see you if your mommy will let you." The nurse told my son. Ross nodded and I rubbed his back "thank you" Mark smiled as he lifted up Ross' backpack. "C'mon let's get you home. "

20 minutes later

We got home and I saw Ross was asleep. "You're right storm. Sorry I didn't trust you" Mark said. I shook my head "don't apologise." I smiled. My husband smiled "come on. Let's get him inside"

He picked up Ross and I grabbed Ross' backpack and unlocked the door. Mark carried Ross upstairs and I followed. He lay Ross in his bed and we both crouched down and took each shoe off. I pulled his jacket off and then lay him back down. He groaned quietly but I shushed him back to sleep. Mark pulled the covers over his small frame and I placed stitch next to him and placed his arm over it. "Come on storm" Mark smiled. I kissed Ross' head before following my husband out of the room.

Ross' POV

I woke up and I was in my bedroom. I'm sure I falled asleep in the car. I slowly rolled out of bed and wrapped myself in a blanket before walking downstairs.

I got downstairs and saw mommy drinking a coffee while watching TV. I walked over to mommy and she smiled at me. "Hey honey. You feeling better?" She asked. I shrugged and sat on the couch. "D'you want some food?"she asked. "Can we cuddle?" I asked. Mommy nodded and I climbed onto her lap. "Rydels having a tea party here tomorrow. You can join in if you're feeling better" I smiled slightly and nodded before closing my eyes again. "You still tired?" Mommy asked. I shook my head "want cuddles"

The next day

Rydel was helping mommy baking and I set up the table. I just wanted to sleep still. I walked round the table, placing pink paper plates on the table. I dropped one and sighed. I lifted it back up. Can't use that now. I held it under my arm before finished setting the table. I was setting it outside. A sudden gust of wind happened and all the plates flew across the garden including into the pool. Tears appeared In my eyes and I marched into the house. Mommy and Rydel looked at me. "You finished?" Mommy asked. "I don't wanna help anymore" I cried before slamming the paper plates on the counter and storming upstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and walked in before sitting on my bed. I lay down and curled up in a ball. "Buddy?" I heard. My bedroom door opened and daddy walked over. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Everything" I whimpered. Daddy pulled me into his arms "like?" "I'm tired. And I'm hungry. And I want cuddles. And I don't want people over. And I setted the table and then the wind ruined it. I wanna just sleep" I sobbed. Daddy hugged me tight. "How did the wind ruin it?" He asked. "It blew really hard and all the plates went everywhere" I whimpered. Daddy nodded "Awh buddy. D'you wanna take a nap?" He asked. I shook my head "mommy and Delly want me downstairs and the others wanna see me" I told him. He nodded "okay. But buddy you're not 100% better yet. If you need sleep tell us and you can have some okay?" I nodded and daddy hugged me. "Love you buddy" he whispered. "Love you too daddy"

Daddy and I walked downstairs "hey honey. Are you alright?" Mommy asked me. "The wind ruined the table" I whimpered. She smiled softly. "Don't worry" she whispered and kissed my head. I hugged her and she hugged back "D'you wanna take part today?" She asked. I nodded "if that's okay" she smiled. "Of course"

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