Back at home and bad news

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Rocky's POV

Me and Alexa were watching a movie when I heard a scream and a splash. I looked out of the window and saw Ross in the pool. "Shit!" I ran downstairs and out the house. Alexa followed with a towel and Rydel and Ellington followed after seeing us running. I jumped in the pool and saw Ross. I lifted him up and placed him on the side. He was unconscious and barley breathing. I started doing CPR as Alexa checked his pulse. I had tears streaming down my face and so did the girls. Ross was completely lifeless. I kept doing CPR until Ross started coughing. I pulled him up and water poured out of his mouth "Ross?" I said. I pulled his eyes open and Alexa kept checking his pulse. I looked up and saw the others at the door. I wrapped the towel around him as he opened his eyes. "Ross?" I whispered. "Rocky" he slurred. I pulled him into my arms, hugging him. I didn't care that he was soaked. He was okay. I smiled before lifting him up and carrying him inside. "Rydel. Can you make him some tea while I get him changed" I asked my sister. Rydel nodded as I carried Ross upstairs.

I grabbed my T-shirt and some new underwear for Ross. I quickly changed before drying him and getting him changed. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "It's okay. Why were you in the pool?" I asked. "I wanted to look at it but I slipped and banged my head" he told me, shivering. I nodded before wrapping my sweater around him. I wrapped him in a blanket before kissing his head. "You okay?" I asked. He shrugged "Ross it's not your fault that you fell in" I assured. He nodded as he hugged me. I kissed his head before carrying him downstairs.

I sat on the couch with Ross on my lap. "Here you go Rossy" Rydel whispered, handing Ross a warm drink. "Thank you" Ross whispered as he drank it."why were you-" I cut Ryland off. "He wanted to look at the pool but he slipped and fell. It's not his fault" I told them. They nodded "sorry" Ross whispered. Everyone smiled "not your fault"

2 hours later
Ross' POV

"I won't tell Mommy" I told rocky as he pulled my T-Shirt on. Rocky smiled. "Okay." He laughed. I smiled as we finished getting ready. I sneezed which made rocky look up. "You alright?" He asked. "Yeah" I giggled. "Good. C'mon. Mommy's gonna be here soon"

I was sitting on rikers lap when daddy showed up to pick me up. I ran over and he lifted me up. "Hey buddy! Did you have a good night?" He asked. I nodded "yeah" I smiled daddy smiled. "Good. Shall we head home?"

15 minutes later

We got home and daddy took me inside. "Where's Mommy?" I asked "she's gone to the store" he told me. "Can we play cars?" I asked. Daddy smiled. "Of course we can" he smiled. I smiled wide and grabbed his big hand. I pulled him upstairs to my room.

Once we got there I grabbed all my cars and put them on the floor. "I need more cars" I smiled. Daddy laughed. "You have lodes" he laughed. I smiled. "Can you count them?" He asked. I shook my head. "D'you wanna learn?" He asked. "Yeah" I giggled. Daddy smiled "let's get started then"

1 hour later

"You do it" daddy smiled. He lay some of  the cars in front of me. "One, two, three, four, five, six,seven,eight, nine, ten" I counted the cars. "Good boy" daddy laughed. He added some cars. "How many are there now?" I looked at the cars and counted them in my head "19" I asked. Daddy smiled. "Well done! The others couldn't do that until they were 5" he laughed. I smiled. "Mark?!" We heard. "Upstairs!" Daddy shouted. The bedroom door opened and Mommy walked in. "What're you doing up here?" She asked. "Counting!" I giggled. "Ooh. Show me" Mommy laughed. "Okay" daddy smiled. he lined up most of the cars infront of me. "Count them" he smiled as Mommy filmed me. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20...21,22,23,24" I counted. Mommy clapped and daddy smiled. I smiled "well done!" Mommy smiled. The doorbell rang and daddy raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

Mommy carried me downstairs after daddy. Daddy opened the door and we saw brad and a police man. "Oh hi. Come in" daddy smiled. They walked in "Brad! I counted!" I exclaimed. Brad smiled. "Wow! Maybe you can show me" he smiled, takin me in his arms. I nodded "we need to talk to you about Michael carter" the police man told Mommy and daddy. I tensed and brad felt it so he rubbed my back. "What about him?" Daddy asked as he took me In his arms. "He's escaped from prison. We don't know how but he left this note" the police man said as he handed Mommy a note. Mommy read it as we all sat on the couch. "What're we gonna do?" She asked. "We're gonna have police surrounding the house at all times and we want 2 police men inside the house" brad explained. Mommy and daddy nodded "anything to keep him safe" Mommy said. "Are you staying too brad?" I asked, hopefully. "I can't. I've got a wife" brad told me. I frowned "can't she stay too?" I begged "she can." Daddy smiled. I smiled. "Are you sure?" Brad asked. "Of course!" Mommy smiled. Brad smiled. "Okay. Well I'll run home and get our things and then we'll be back in an hour"

1 hour later

Brad got back with his wife, Anna while Mommy was making dinner. Brad smiled when he saw me playing with my cars. "Brad!" I giggled, hugging his legs. Brad smiled. "Come see my cars" I giggled, pulling him over. Anna followed and they both sat down. I was about to show them when I heard


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