Sick little boy

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The next morning
Stormies POV

I walked into Ross' room and saw him curled up in a ball,drenched in sweat I walked over and shook him. "Baby boy" I whispered. He opened his eyes and started crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. He pointed to his head,Throat and stomach. "Oh baby boy. You're sick" I whispered. I placed my hand on his forehead and it was really hot. "Darling, your burning up" I soothed. I lifted him up and he started shivering. I lay a blanket across the bed and lay him in the middle before wrapping him up in it. I lifted him up and he lay his head on my shoulder "Paci?" I asked. He nodded slightly so I placed one in his mouth. I carried him downstairs and saw everyone eating breakfast. "Awh. Ross. What's wrong little one?" Riker asked. "He's burning up. I'm gonna take his temperature and give him some tea" I whispered as Ross covered his ears. I rubbed his back as Riker nodded. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rocky, Ryland and Rydel eating breakfast and as I walked in they looked at me and ross. I placed my finger on my lip to signal them to be quiet. I got the thermometer from the first aid cupboard I placed it in his mouth after taking the pacifier from his mouth. I grabbed a sippy cup and made tea as the thermometer beeped. I took it out of my sons mouth.'106.9' "Awh. High fever" I whispered. Ross whimpered as I wet a rag. I poured the tea into his sippy cup and handed it to him. Mark walked in a saw the four year old. "Buddy? What's wrong?" He asked. "Fever of 106. Gonna leave him until 5 tonight and if it doesn't go down I'll take him to the hospital" I explained. Mark nodded as Ryland walked over. "Hey ross. Wanna cuddle?" He whispered. I smiled and Ross nodded and extended his arms out. Ryland smiled and took Ross from my arms. "Go cuddle in my room okay?" He whispered. Ross nodded "Okay" he whimpered. I smiled as the boys headed upstairs.

Ryland's POV

I took Ross up to my room and saw his pale he was. I lay on my bed with him in my arms. "Can I lies next to you?" He whispered. "Of course" I whispered. I lay my baby brother next to me and he turned on his side, as did i. He looked at me with tired eyes "Love you Ryry" he whispered. "I love you too Rossbear." I whispered back. I felt terrible. The band and I are moving next week and we haven't told Ross yet. I started to stroke his hair as the door opened Rocky poked his head in. "Oh sorry" he whispered "No,whats up?" I whispered. "Just wondering if You could play video games but I guess not" He laughed. I smiled. "Not yet. Little ones tired" I whispered. "Okay." Rocky left and I looked down at Ross who was now asleep. I slowly sat up and climbed off the bed but I heard a quiet "Please stay Ryry" come from ross. I smiled softly. "Of course I'm not going anywhere Ross bear."

Later that day
Rydel's POV

"You sure you'll be okay?" Mom asked us. "Yes mom. Go have fun" I laughed Me and the boys were trying to get mom and dad to go out like they planned. Mom gave me an unsure look but I rolled my eyes. "We'll be fine." I smiled. Mom nodded before following dad out. I smiled as I walked into the living room. Ross was on the couch with Riker and They were cuddled together. "Rossy. Shall we give you a bath now?" I asked. Ross nodded so I lifted him up.

I ran Ross' bath as he sat on the toilet naked. "C'mon then" I whispered, lifting him up. I placed him in the bath and started to wash his body. Ross yawned as I placed my hand on his back. He was still sweaty and shivering. I lifted Ross up and dried him off. I put hi onesie on him and took him back downstairs. Mom told me to give him a bottle like a baby to get him to sleep. I don't know why but apparently it helped us get to sleep when we were ill. I handed Ross to rocky and went to make Ross his drink.

I walked back to the living room with Ross' drink to see Riker and Rocky waving their hands infront of Ross' face. Ross was lying on the couch with his hand drooping off the side. I ran over and saw the four year old looking terrified. "What's happening?!" I panicked. "He said he couldn't feel his arms and legs and that he felt dizzy. then he just went limp" rocky told me on the verge of tears. I nodded as Ross moved his hand "honey can you feel your hand?" I asked. Ross nodded slightly. "Okay honey. Boys go get some ice" I ordered before lifting Ross into my arms. I dialled Moms number.

"Rydel?! What's happening?"
"Ross went limp. He said that he can't feel his arms or legs and that he felt dizzy and then went limp"
"Is he alright now?"
"He can move his hand. That's all"
"Okay. Me and Dad will come back now. Put ice on his legs and arms and keep his head elevated. Is he in his Big Boy pyjamas or onesie"
"Okay. Unzip it and fan him with something. He might be overheated"
"Okay mom"
I hung up and unzipped Ross' onesie. I grabbed a book from the floor and started to fan him. I looked down at the four year old and saw big tears running down his face. I stroked his hair as Riker handed me the ice. I placed it on his arms and legs.
"You'll be okay baby."

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