Bonfire Night and Aftershock

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Stormies POV
Later that day

Ross was playing with his baby as I made dinner. Rocky was still shaken up about hitting Ross with a football but Ross is okay. I placed Ross' mac&Cheese on the table and Ross placed the doll on the floor. "Eat that up honey" I told him,handing him a fork. He nodded his little head before starting to eat.

2 months later
November 5th

Tonight is bonfire night. Ross has never seen fireworks before but apparently Alyssa and Michael used to fire guns at him but purposely miss him so me and Mark are a bit scared to how he may react. "Rossy! You ready to go" I asked,shouting up the stairs. "Yes momma." We were all going to a firework display. Ross walked down the stairs and I grabbed his coat because it had been raining. I put Ross' coat on him and then his hat and mittens. "come on then" Mark smiled. everyone nodded before walking to the car.

We arrived at the place where it was and I got Ross out of the car. We walked to where it starts and Ross looked really confused. "These are fireworks" Ryland told him. Ross nodded as the hosts started to get ready.

The first firework was fired and when it banged Ross stepped back. I held onto his hand but he pulled away,looking up at me with scared eyes. "Baby" I whispered. Ross stepped back again as more fireworks went off. More and more fireworks and then Ross ran away. I followed along with Rocky and Rydel. We found him behind the car,covering his ears and crying. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. "It's okay baby. We'll go home" I soothed. "Don't hurt me" he sobbed. "Shh. We won't." I soothed. Rocky and Rydel started to walk back to the others as I started to walk Ross home. We heard a firework and Ross started sobbing again. I started to walk home faster as he curled up in my arms. Luckily, at home we have soundproof windows apart from the kids bedrooms so we won't hear the fireworks.

We got home and Ross was still crying. I placed him on the floor and he curled up in a ball. "Ross" I whispered. "Rossy" I said abit louder. He ignored me. "Ross" I repeated but he ignored me everytime. "Ross!" I snapped. Ross looked up In shock. I covered my mouth. My three year old son was sobbing and I just yelled at him. "Baby I'm sorry" I whispered. He stepped away from me,he kept his mouth shut and started to quietly cry. "Ross. Baby Come here" I whispered. Ross shook his head before getting up and stepping backwards. "Ross please come here. Baby I'm so sorry" I soothed. "Im not going to hurt you" I promised. Ross was shaking as I took a step closer He closed his eyes and backed up until he was in the corner. He slid down the wall and covered his ears. "I'm sorry. Alyssa,really. don't...please turn the light back on" he whispered. He was having flashbacks. Shoot! I ran over and lifted him up. "Ross. Listen. It's mommy. You're at home with me." I told him,siting him on the couch and pulling his hands away from his ears. "It's too dark!" He sobbed. Then he screamed as if someone had hurt him "No! MASTER PLEASE!!!" He screamed 'master?' "Rossy. it's mommy. Calm down" I soothed. He slowly opened his eyes and tears slowly stopped pouring out of his eyes. He saw that I was holding his hands and pulled his arms away. "Rossy? Are you alright now?" I whispered. He looked worried but nodded slightly. "Baby I'm sorry for shouting. Mommy's just tired." I whispered. Ross nodded slightly again. I opened my arms but he shook his head and only lifted one hand up. I held his hand before taking him upstairs to his bedroom. Once he was in his Pyjamas I lay him down. "I'm really sorry" I whispered. We heard a firework and Ross flinched. "I can stay if you want" I suggested. he stayed silent and stared at the wall. "Okay." I whispered before standing up. I was about to leave when I heard a quiet "Stay"

The next morning.

I woke up and saw Ross still asleep,next to me. I smiled. All last night he was awake,crying because of the fireworks. He finally passed out about 3:30. I checked the time '9:45am' I yawned as I carefully climbed out of bed. I walked to the door when I heard "momma?" I turned around and saw Ross waking up. "Good morning baby boy" I smiled. He sat up,rubbing his eyes. He lifted his arms up and I smiled before lifting him into my arms. "You hungry?" I asked. He nodded before leaning his head on my shoulder. "Why don't you go back to sleep?" I asked. he shook his head before wrapping his legs around my waist. I walked downstairs and saw Rydel making breakfast and the boys sitting at the table. "Good morning everyone" I smiled. They all smiled "Morning" they all greeted. I went to sit Ross in his seat but he gripped onto me more. "Baby. Why don't you sit down?" I asked. He shook his head and I looked at Mark worried. "Ross. why don't you come sit on my lap?" Mark suggested. He looked at Mark before nodding slightly. I smiled before placing him on marks lap. Ross started to play with marks shirt. "You okay?" Mark whispered. Ross shrugged. Riker looked worried. "Ross D'you wanna play cars after breakfast?" Rocky asked. Ross shook his head. Ryland looked shocked,ross always wanted to play cars. "I know! Why don't me and you have a tea party before Ellington gets here?" Rydel suggested as she placed the pancakes on the table. Ross looked up at Rydel but shook his head. "At least eat something buddy." Mark told him. Ross shrugged. I placed a plate infront of Ross and placed a small pancake on it. "Eat up little one"

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