Maybe school isnt so great.

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Ross' POV
4 months later
Monday Morning-9:30am

I've been back at school for ages now. But I hate it!! Everyone is so mean to me. It's horrible. Daddy parked the car and I climbed out of the car. "Rocky will pick you up tonight okay?" He told me. I nodded "you okay buddy?" He asked. I nodded slightly "bye daddy" I mumbled before walking inside.

I hung my bag up before undoing my jacket. I looked at Connors hanger and frowned. He's been away for a week now. The bullying is worse when he's not here. Tony walked over with Sid and he pushed me against the wall "Hey fatty. Lunch money. Now" he ordered. I nodded slightly before getting the $3 from my pocket. He snatched it and pushed me to the floor. I groaned before pushing myself up. I walked into the classroom and sighed again. I wish I never had to go to school again. I sat in my seat and the teacher walked in and smiled. At least nothing will happen until break time.

2 hours later

The bell rang and everyone ran from the classroom. "Ross. Come here please" Miss Dawson told me. I nodded and walked over. She crouched next to me as everyone left. "Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked. I nodded "are you sure? You seem really quiet and you're not playing much" she sighed. I fake smiled "I'm fine miss Dawson" I smiled. She smiled slightly "okay honey. You can tell me if anything is going on though. We will sort it" she promised. I don't know whether to tell her. I glanced at the door and saw tony. "No. nothing's going on." I lied. She smiled "okay. Go to recess" she told me. I nodded before walking out. Tony was waiting and threw my jacket at me. "Come on" he snapped. I nodded before following him to the toilets. He shut the door and I saw Sid, Thomas, Anthony and Elliot waiting for me. "Do it" tony ordered. Thomas grabbed me and pushed me towards the toilet. I tried to resist but they all forced me too my knees and shoved my head down the toilet.

I couldn't breath. It stunk. Sid pushed me into the water which made it even worse. I coughed as they pulled me up. They did it two more times before pushing me into the wall. "See you at lunch fatty" tony snapped. They walked out and I curled up in a ball. Tears ran down my face as the door opened. "Are you okay?" I heard. I looked up and saw two 5th graders. I nodded and moved away. "Did those boys just flush you?!" One with blonde hair asked. I nodded slightly. "Oh god. Cmon. We'll clean you up" the brunette told me with a soft smile. He lifted me up and sat me on the side. The blonde haired one got some tissue. "What grade are you in?" The blonde boy asked, wiping my face. "Kindergarten but our class is mixed with first graders" I whispered. The brunettes eyes widened "woah you're only 5 and they're doing this to you?" He asked. I nodded slightly "oh god. What grade are they in?" The blonde asked as he placed me under the hand dryer to dry my hair "first and some in second and third." I explained. "Does anyone know?" They asked. I shook my head "you can't tell anyone though. I promised not too!" I exclaimed. "Okay. But you need to stand up to them okay?" The brunette told me. I shrugged as the bell rang. "Cmon we'll walk you to class"

We got to class and they smiled "thank you" I mumbled "it's okay. See you at lunch okay?" The blonde one smiled "really?" I whispered. The brunette nodded "yeah. I'm Alex by the way. And this is Stephen" he told me. I smiled "thank you" "we'll meet you here at lunch" they walked off and I walked into the classroom.

2 hours later

It was lunch and the boys weren't there yet. I bit my lip as I left the room. I grabbed my jacket before slowly walking down the hallway. I got to the food hall and didn't see tony or anyone. I then saw Thomas and Anthony from 3rd grade glare at me before walking towards me fast. I gulped before stepping back and running as fast as I could. I ran into the toilet where I saw tony and the others. They all glared at me before pinning me up the wall. "What did you tell those boys?!" Anthony yelled at me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Get off!" I yelled. Thomas glared at me as tony walked towards me. He went to grab hold of me but I punched him "WHAT IS GOING ON IN  HERE?!" I turned around and saw a male teacher. "Ross lynch. Principles office. Now"


"What were you thinking Ross?! Punching someone? We didn't teach you to do things like this." Mommy yelled. I whimpered "don't cry Ross. You bought this on yourself. Why did you punch him?" Daddy asked. I stayed silent. They'll hurt me if I tell. "Exactly. Go to your room. I don't wanna see you for the rest of the night" daddy snapped. I nodded slightly, holding in my tears before running upstairs. I got to the bedroom and curled up in a ball. They don't want me anymore. I let everyone down.

Later that night

I heard talking as I lay in bed "what could have bought this on?" Mommy asked. "I don't know storm. Ross isn't like this. There has to be a reason. But he won't say" daddy sighed. "I'll go see if he's asleep. If he's not we'll talk to him" I pulled the covers over me and shut my eyes. I was lying on the floor.  Mommy sighed before lifting my up and placing me into bed. "What's going on baby? "

What do YOU guys want to happen in this story???? Ideas please!!! 

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