Home and Cuddles

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Stormies POV

We got to the hospital and saw Ross' social worker and the police. "What happened?" I asked,Brad,Ross' social worker. "He's in room 203. Michael raped him and beat him. Ross won't talk,eat or let anyone touch him. The trial is February 15th " Brad explained. "Oh my god" I whispered. "Go see him"

I walked up to Ross' room and saw him staring off into space. "Ross" I whispered. He didn't move. "Ross honey. It's Mommy." I whispered. No response. "Baby. Look at me" still didn't move. I saw he was clutching something with his hands. I walked closer and saw it was his R5 shirt. His face was bruised and he had stitches in his forehead,lip,eyebrow and ear. "Honey" I said. He slowly looked at me. "It ripped" he whispered,lifting up the shirt. "It alright baby. We'll get you a new one" I replied. He nodded. "Rossy. D'you wanna come home with me?" I asked. he nodded "okay baby boy"

"He could come home but he's really sensitive so you have to be careful of him. "Okay. So i can take him now?" I asked. Everyone else had gone home to start setting Ross' room up. "Yeah. If he'll go with you."

I walked back into Ross' room and saw him staring at the wall. He's been doing that alot. "Ross honey. D'you wanna come back with me now?" I asked. Ross nodded slightly. "Okay." I whispered. I sat on the bed and grabbed some clothes that Mark had dropped here. I went to take Ross' hospital gown on but he screamed and moved away,with tears pouring down his face. "shh. It's alright. it's only me" I soothed. Ross shook his head. "why don't you take to off then?" I suggested. Ross slowly took it off and I handed him the T-Shirt. Once he was ready,Ross climbed off the bed and I held out my hand for him to grab it. Ross looked at the hand and then looked up at me. I shot him a reassuring smile. "I'm never gonna hurt you baby" I whispered. Ross looked at my hand again before shakily placing his hand in it. I smiled as we left the room.

"D'you want help in the car?" I asked as I opened the car door. Ross shook his head before climbing into the car. I reached over and grabbed the seatbelt before doing it up.

We got home and me and Ross climbed out of the car. He slowly walked over to me and lifted his hand up. I held it before leading him inside. I opened the door and Ross stepped in with me following. Ross looked around as Rydel walked out. "Hey Ross!" She smiled,opening her arms for a hug. Ross stepped back as Rydel looked up at me,i shook my head. "Come on." I whispered I took Ross to the living room and he sat on the floor. Every time he sits down he winces. "Baby you hungry?" I asked him. He shook his head. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked. Ross shrugged "Can you remember?" I asked. He shook his head. Well he hasn't eaten for awhile. "Why don't I get you some cookies and milk?" I suggested. I wasn't gonna give up until he ate something. He nodded slightly. "Okay"

That night

I took Ross upstairs to his room after dinner. Everyone apart from Mark is staying out tonight. Ross walked in and smiled slightly for the first time all day. He released my hand and started to walk towards the bed,where his teddy was. I watched as he lifted it up. He smiled fully and hugged it. I smiled. "You missed him?" I asked. Ross nodded. "Ca-Ca-Can I wear my One-One-Onesie?" He asked,shyly. I smiled and nodded "Of course you can honey. But you gotta let me put it on you" I told him,getting his puppy onesie out of the wardrobe. "You won't hurt me. right?" He wondered. "Of course not" I whispered. He nodded slightly before placing his bear down.

I got Ross dressed and I saw he looked more comfortable already,knowing that we won't hurt him. I pulled his hood over his head and kissed his head. He stepped back but soon stepped forward again. "Bed?" I asked. He nodded before walking over and climbing onto his bed. I smiled before walking over and pulling the covers and blankets over him. "Get some sleep baby boy"

I walked downstairs and saw Mark sat on the couch "Hey. Is he alright?" Mark asked. I nodded "He's calmed down now" I smiled Mark nodded as the phone started to ring. "Hello?"
"Hey Stormie. It's Brad"
"Hey Brad. What's up?"
"Can I come over tomorrow?"
"Of course."
"okay. well I just wanna make sure Ross is doing alright. Has he been okay?"
"Yeah. He ate dinner and some cookies,had a bath and let me get him into his pyjamas. Now he's up in bed."
"Awh. Has he spoke much?"
"Not really"
"Okay. well I'll see you tomorrow"
"Okay brad. Bye"

The next morning.

R5 had an interview this morning so they're coming back later that day. Ross walked downstairs and sat on the floor. "Rossy. D'you want a waffle?" I asked. Ross shrugged. "I'll make you one" I whispered.

I placed Ross' breakfast on the table and walked into the living room. Ross was on the couch half asleep. "Honey" He sat up. "If you're tired go back to bed" I told him. Ross shook his head. "Come on then"

After breakfast Ross held my hand. He opened his mouth but closed it "No baby go on" I encouraged. "Canwecuddle?" He asked really fast. I smiled "If you want to" I replied. He smiled before leading me over to the couch. I sat down as he climbed onto my lap. I pulled a blanket over him as he fell asleep.

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