Interviews and Movie Night

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Rydel's POV

"So it's supposed to f-Fall out?" Ross asked. "Yeah. So your big teeth can grow" Ross nodded and hugged me "Thanks De-Delly Bear" he smiled. "It's okay Rossy bear" I smiled,kissing his head.

After breakfast,R5 had an interview so we decided to take Ross to give Mom and Dad a break. I took Ross upstairs to his bedroom and chose his clothes. He wore a blue,long sleeve checkered button up shirt with black jeans and black converse. I gave Ross a bath,brushed his teeth and started to get him ready. "Wh-Where we going?" He asked. "Interview" I smiled. "Okay" he smiled. I put his jeans on and brushed his hair.

We got to the interview and I saw Joslyn Ready to interview us. She saw us with Ross and quickly ran over. "Hi!" She exclaimed. We all said hi back apart from Ross who was playing with Rocky's necklace. "We're looking after Ross today. Is that alright?" Ryland asked. "that's great. Would you like him to be on the interview? It would be really cool is he was" Joslyn asked. Riker smiled "If he wants" Rocky whispered something to Ross and Ross smiled and nodded.

"Today we have R5!" Joslyn exclaimed into the camera "Hey!" We all smiled. Ross was sitting next to the stage where we could see him. "So,Today we have a little guest with you?" Joslyn asked. We all nodded "Yep" I smiled. "D'you wanna bring him on?" She asked. Riker nodded as Ross ran over and sat on his lap. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Hi Ross" Joslyn smiled. Ross smiled shyly. The interview went on for about an hour before we left.

We got home and I saw mom looking terrified and dad looking pissed. We forgot to tell them that we were taking Ross out. We walked in and moms face turned to relieved when she saw Ross but angry really fast. She kissed Ross' head. "Where have you been?!" Dad yelled. "An Interview." Ryland told him. "Without telling us you were taking Ross?!" Mom yelled. "We thought you-" Dad cut Riker off "We didn't! Your mom was thinking the worst! You could have at least texted us!" He screamed. "Sorry" We all said in unison. "YOU SHOULD BE! FOR ALL WE KNEW HE WAS MISSING!" Dad screamed. That's when we all started screaming. I stopped yelling when I couldn't see Ross. "where's Ross?" I asked. Everyone went quiet as we heard quiet sobs coming from the closet. Mom walked over to it "Rossy" She whispered. He gasped quietly. Mom opened the door and Ross looked at her with tears running down his face. He was quietly hiccuping. "Come here" Mom whispered.

Ross' POV

"Come here" Mommy whispered. I ran into her arms and she lifted me up. "It's alright" she soothed. Mommy carried me upstairs and closed my bedroom door. "What's wrong?" She whispered. "A-A-Are you gonna hit me now?" I asked. "No! Baby. I would never" she assured,hugging me. "Bu-But you were sh-Sho-Shouting" I mumbled. "Me and Daddy just got a little but annoyed with your siblings. That's all" It was silent for a few moments "Did Michael and Alyssa used to shout before they hit you?" She asked. I nodded as she stood me on the bed "Oh baby. I'm never going to hit you. I promise"

I was cuddled up with daddy on the couch later that night. "Sorry for shouting today buddy" he whispered. "O-Okay." I smiled and he kissed my head. Daddy stood up and I looked up at him. "D'you wanna play?" He asked. I nodded so he lifted me up and took me out back to the yard. We played tag and then we built a huge tower. "Dinner!" Mommy yelled. I smiled before getting up and running inside.

After dinner everyone bought their bed covers and pillows downstairs. "What D-Doing?" I asked. "We're having a movie night with our friends little one" Rocky told me as I sat on his pillow. "Can I join?" I asked. "Ye-" Mommy cut him off "No baby. They're watching a scary movie we can sit in your room and watch a movie that's suitable for you" she told me. I smiled and nodded. "Rydelly. Can we do tea parties again?" I asked. "Yeah if you want. Why don't we do it tomorrow? We'll invite everyone over" she suggested I nodded furiously and she lifted me up. "Can I get you ready for bed?" She asked. "Nope. I am" Rocky told her before grabbing me and running me upstairs.

After rocky got me dressed,he did my physical therapy with me. I lay on my back and he stretched my legs while I did my arms. After 15 minutes we were done and he took me downstairs. I walked in and saw the boys and Rydel setting up snacks infront of the TV. There was: a big bowl of popcorn, a lot of Candy,Chocolate and Cookies. All the covers and pillows were on the floor and the couches. "Rossy!" Rydel exclaimed running over. I giggled and ran into her arms. "everyone's gonna be here soon" she smiled. I nodded as Ryland walked over and placed a cookie in my mouth. "Thankies" I giggled. I ate my cookies,sitting on Riker's covers on the floor. Daddy walked over and handed me the remote "Watch what you want bud"

I was watching TV when Mommy came in. "Baby boy. Time for bed" I nodded. We were walking out of the room when I stopped. "What?" Momma asked. I ran back into the living room where everyone else was sitting. I ran towards the food and grabbed one of the brownies that daddy had put by the TV. "Night Night" I smiled before running upstairs. "Hey!" I heard Riker yell. I ran back downstairs and dived onto him. He kissed my head. "Night"

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