Best Friend Sleepover

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1 week later
Ross' POV

Me and Connor walked out of school and ran over to our daddies. "Hey buddy" daddy smiled. "Ross. It's my Birfday on Saturday. I'm having a party if you want to come" Connor told me nervously as he handed me an invite. I smiled "can I go daddy?" I asked. Daddy looked at the invite. "I think your siblings have a show that night. I won't be able to get you" daddy frowned. I frowned "he can stay overnight" Peter told daddy. I smiled "are you sure?" Daddy asked. Peter nodded "of course. You can pick him up on Sunday" Peter smiled. Daddy smiled "Thank you. I guess you can go then" daddy smiled. I smiled and Connor hugged me. "We can have a big sleepover!!!" He squealed. I smiled "yeah" I heard daddy and Peter laugh. "C'mon. We better be going." Peter laughed. Connor nodded. "See you tomorrow Rossy" he smiled before walking away with his daddy. I smiled as daddy and I walked home.

10 minutes later

We got home and I sat on the floor to take my converse off. "Hey honey. How was school?" Mommy asked. "Good. I'm sleeping at Connors house on Saturday"


We got to Connors house and he ran over "Rossy!" He squealed, hugging me. I hugged back and Mommy and Cheryl laughed. "Thanks for doing this" Mommy smiled. "Don't worry. He's a good kid" Cheryl smiled. Mommy kissed my head. "Be a good boy. I'll see you at 12 tomorrow" Mommy told me. I nodded "come on! Let's go play on the bouncy castle!" Connor squealed.

We ran to the backyard where there was a huge bouncy castle "Mommy said because Dustin and Brandon are out with their friends tonight me and you can eat out here" Connor told me. I nodded as we both took our shoes off and started on the bouncy castle.

3 hours later

It started to rain so we both had to some inside. Cheryl made us some hot cocoa and cookies so we sat watching a movie. "Boys. D'you want pizza for dinner?" Cheryl asked walking in. "Yes please momma" Connor smiled as I nodded. "Okay." Cheryl smiled. She walked out "D'you wanna see something cool?" Connor asked. I nodded. He stood up and opened the box in the corner. He pulled out a new board game. "What's that?" I asked. "It's a new game my nana got me. It's called mono-monopoply" he told me trying to read it. I looked at the box "that's a big word" I whispered. Connor nodded "wanna play?" He asked. I nodded so he sat down and started to set it up.

The next morning

Me and Connor were sitting at the table  eating breakfast when the door bell rang. Cheryl opened it and smiled "hi!" She smiled as I finished my cereal. Mommy walked in "hi. Was he okay?" She asked. "Good as gold" she smiled. "Mommy!" I exclaimed. I hugged her and she kissed my head. "Hey baby. We need to go hon. I'm in a rush." She told me. "Why momma?" I asked. "We need to go shopping before Vanni's birthday party later." I nodded. "Can Connor come?" I asked, hopefully. Mommy looked at Cheryl. "I won't be able to get him later. Peter has the car" Cheryl frowned. "Can he sleep over?!" I exclaimed. Mommy looked at Cheryl. "If you're sure?" Cheryl said. Mommy nodded "why don't we pick him up at 5? Then that gives you time to set up your room" Mommy suggested. I nodded and Connor hugged me. "Yay! DOUBLE SLEEPOVER!" I squealed. Connor nodded. "What D'you say to Cheryl?" Mommy said. "Thank you for having me" I smiled. Cheryl smiled "Don't worry. I'll see you later"

2 hour later
Stormies POV

We were in the car on the way home from the store when I saw Ross' eyes drooping. I smiled as he fell forward. I laughed. I pulled up outside of the house and I saw Riker in the window. He walked out with Mark as I pulled up. Mark walked to Ross' door "Hey-" he cut himself off when he saw Ross asleep. "Rough night?" He laughed as he lifted Ross out of the car. "Connors staying over tonight. Ross wanted him at the party" I smiled as me and Riker started to get the shopping bags from the car. "Okay. I'll take him to his room" Mark told me. I nodded and he headed inside.

2 hours later

I heard footsteps as my oldest son and I stuck up the 'Happy Birthday' banner. "Hey sleepy" rocky laughed. I turned around to see Ross walking in. "Hey baby" I smiled. He smile back "I tidied my room for Connor" he told me. I nodded "good. D'you wanna help decorate?" I asked. Ross nodded before running to rocky.


We arrived at Connors and Connor walked out with his bag. Ross smiled widely before running over and hugging him. "Thanks for this Stormie" Cheryl smiled. "Don't worry. Look how happy they are" I smiled. We both stared at the boys who were hugging. "He'll probably be up late tonight is that okay?" I asked. She nodded "They were up late last night too." She laughed. I smiled "I could tell. He passed out in the car this morning" I laughed. Cheryl laughed too. "Mommy!" Ross exclaimed. "We better go" I told Cheryl, who nodded. She kissed Connors head and told him to be good before walking into the house. "We are sleeping in my room tonight" Ross told Connor. Connor smiled and held his hand. They both sat in the car and I did up both Seatbelts.

As we started driving I listened to the boys speaking about random thing and giggling. The whole way home they were holding onto each other's hands. I pulled into the drive "okay. We're home"
Ross squealed "you can see my bedroom!" He exclaimed. Connor smiled and nodded. I helped both boys out of the car and Ross clutched onto Connors hand. "come on!" He squealed. They both ran inside and I smiled.
This will be Intresting.

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