Staying the night

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2 weeks later
Ross' POV

"You be a good boy" Mommy told me. I nodded "okay momma" she kissed my forehead "see you tomorrow" she whispered as we hugged. I nodded as she kissed my cheek. Mommy stood up and looked at the others "keep him safe guys" she whispered, hugging them. "We will Mom" Riker smiled. I was staying at their house tonight. Rydel is at a meet&greet today so when she gets home we're gonna have fun. Plus they're filming for a documentary for the rest of the month. I get to be in it because the fans apparently love me. "Bye honey" Mommy smiled "bye Mommy"

Mommy left and I was sitting on Riker's lap watching Rocky, Ryland and Ratliff play video games. They were having a movie night tonight with leca, Vanni and Sav. I heard the door open and I knew who it was. I dived off Riker. "DELLLYYYYY!" I screamed as I ran to the door. She laughed and placed the things she had on the table before lifting me up. "Hey Rossbear" she smiled. I kissed her cheek and she kissed my head. "I'm staying tonight!" I smiled. She smiled "I know. That's why me and you are going shopping!" She exclaimed. "For what?" I wondered. "For treats for tonight" she smiled. I smiled. "Can Rocky come?" I asked. Rydel smiled "if you want"

1 hour later

We got to the store and rocky got his little camera out. "D'you want donuts?" Delly asked. I nodded furiously "okay. Let's go get snacks then" rocky smiled, filming us. "Can I go in the cart?" I asked Delly. "But Rossy if you go in the cart you won't be able to pick what you want" Delly laughed I smiled and nodded before following Delly to get ice cream.

2 hours later

"Bathtime" Ryland exclaimed, picking me up. We had pizza for dinner and i was gonna have a hot cocoa later. I jumped as he ran up the stairs. I was laughing like crazy. "I don't  wanna go night night yet" I mumbled. He smiled "you're not. You're only having a bath you silly moo" he laughed. I giggled as he took my clothes off. I used the toilet before He placed me in the bath and poured water over my head. I gasped and started giggling.

20 minutes later
Ryland's POV

I got Ross out of the bath and dried him off before putting my shirt on him and some big boy underwear. He's growing so fast, it's upsetting to be honest. We walked downstairs and Rydel smiled. "Hey little one" she smiled. Ross smiled before running over and sitting on her lap. "You're so cute" she giggled. "The teen choice awards are in a couple days remember." Riker said walking in. "What's the teen choice awards?" Ross asked. Riker smiled, lifting him up "it's this big award show that we play at" he explained as rocky bought the popcorn in. I took some before eating it. "What games D'you play?" Ross asked. Riker laughed "no no. We play our music" he smiled. Ross giggled "oh" I smiled "and we're nominated for best music video" I reminded. "Nomimated?" Ross asked. I laughed "it means we could win it but we might not" i explained. Ross nodded as rocky placed some popcorn in his mouth. "More" Ross said. Riker placed him on the floor "open" rocky laughed. Ross opened his mouth and rocky threw a piece of popcorn at his mouth. Ross caught it and we all laughed. Riker grabbed his phone and started recording Ross for snapchat. Rydel was giggling as Ross carried on catching popcorn.

10 minutes later

After Ross had eaten almost half a bowl of popcorn The door opened and Vanni, Sav and Alexa walked in. Rydel and Ellington were already cuddled up on one of the couches. Ross was sitting on the couch. He was tired, I could tell. His eyes were droopy And he was silent. Sav walked over and sat next to me. "Hey baby" she whispered kissing me. I smiled as everyone started to cuddle on the chairs. Ross walked over to rocky and Alexa before lifting his arms up. Rocky smiled before lifting the boy up.

Rocky's POV

Ross was sitting between me and Alexa. He was leaning on Alexa as we all watched TV. Alexa wrapped her arm around Ross and grabbed my hand. They had such a good bond it was adorable. Ross looked up at me before leaning back on Alexa. I smiled before watching TV again.

15 minutes later.

Riker laughed as he looked at us. I looked down to see Ross fast asleep. He was cuddled up into Alexa's side with his arm around her waist. Ross' hair was everywhere and his mouth was slightly open. Alexa smiled. "He's so cute" she whispered with a soft laugh.i smiled as I lifted him up. he shifted slightly, opening his eyes before falling asleep again. Riker laughed as Alexa stood up and followed me upstairs.

We got to Ross' room and I lay him on the bed. Alexa pulled the warm covers over him. "I want a kid" she whispered. "Erm... We're abit young" I told her. "Not now you douche." She laughed,hitting me. She looked back down at Ross. "Maybe in like 5-10 years" she suggested. I nodded. "Yeah. After we're married" I smiled. "yeah when you pop the question" she laughed. I laughed too as we stood up and left the room.

Ross POV


I opened my eyes and saw I was in bed. I rolled over. I heard giggling from Rocky's room. I sighed. I wanna go to see the pool. I climbed out of bed and walked outside.

Once I got out of the house I walked towards the pool. I wanted to look at it. I got to the edge and I slipped. I screamed as I banged my head and everything went dark.

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