Shopping with Alexa and Rocky

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Ross' POV

I woke up,hugging my teddy bear with my binky in my mouth.Mommy's started giving me them because I keep sucking my thumb and it's easier to take a pacifier off me than my thumb. I climbed out of bed and smelled bacon. I put my teddybear on the bed and walked towards the stairs. I held onto the banister before slowly walking downstairs. I saw everyone eating bacon,eggs and lodes of food. Everyone's friends stopped over last night so they all had a lot of food too. "Morning Ross" Ryland smiled. I shot them a weak smile as Mommy walked in. "Morning baby boy" She greeted. "You feeling okay?" She asked. "My stitches hurt" I mumbled. "Ah. D'you want some Medicean?" She asked. I shrugged so she put her hand out. I really wanted a hug and for her to carry me around but she obviously didn't want that so I just took her hand and we walked into the kitchen.

Mommy gave me Medicean,"Dyou want a waffle or something?" Mommy asked. 'No. I want a cuddle.' I thought. But I nodded. Mommy nodded too "Go sit with everyone else and I'll bring it in" she told me. I nodded before walking back to the living room. Everyone was talking to each other so I just walked to the corner and sat down,facing the wall. Tears stung my eyes as everyone ignored me. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked up to see Leca. "Honey,whats wrong?" She whispered,no one noticed. I lifted my arms up and she lifted me into her arms. I started crying and Leca hugged me,rocking me in her arms. I felt us moving and heard "Stormie". "Hey Alexa what's-" Mommy cut herself off "What's wrong?" She whispered,taking me off Leca. "Cuddles" I sobbed "You want cuddles?" She whispered. I nodded. "Awh. Okay baby boy. why didn't you say?" She asked. "Cuz I-I wanted to be Pi-Pi-picked up bu-but you didn't offered" I whimpered. "Oh I'm sorry baby boy. Thank you Alexa" mom said. I lay my head on Mommy's shoulder as she made me a cup of tea in my sippy cup. "Mom?" We heard. Mommy turned around and saw Rocky. "Hey honey,whats up?" She wondered,putting the lid on my cup and handing it to me "I was wondering if we could have a couples night tonight? Like me&Alexa, Ry&Sav , Riker&Savannah and Rydel&Ell?" Rocky asked. Mom nodded,as I drank my tea. "Of course. I'm taking Ross to the store so you could come too and see what you want" Mom suggested "okay thanks mom" Rocky smiled before kissing Mommy's cheek. Mommy smiled before getting my waffles and putting them on the plate. She gave the plate to rocky as I put my binky back in. "Ive gotta go get ready. Make sure ross eats them" Mommy told him,before passing me into Rocky's arms. Rocky nodded and carried me into the living room. Everyone smiled at me "Mom said we can" Rocky told everyone as he sat me on the floor. I shot him a sad look and Leca came over and picked me up. "You okay now?" She asked. I nodded slightly before taking me binky out and starting to eat my waffles.

Stormies POV

Me and Ross were at the store with Rocky and Alexa. Ross was holding Alexa's hand and had a Pacifier in his mouth. Ross hasn't walked around the store before,he's usually in the cart. "Wassat?" Ross asked alexa,pointing at a box of teabags. "Tea Bags. Shall we get some for Dellybear?" Alexa asked. Ross nodded before reaching to grab a box. Alexa passed it to him and he ran over to the cart and threw it in. Ross smiled around his Pacifier before walking back over to Alexa and Rocky. He held on to both their hands and every few minutes they swung him which made him laugh. we got To the candy isle and Rocky let go of Ross' hand,making the boy frown. "D'you wanna help?" Alexa asked. Ross nodded before running down the isle. "Thanks Alexa" I smiled. Alexa smiled at me. "Don't worry about it. And I'll pay for anything that the boys pick" she offered. "No no. It's alright. They're not your responsibility" I laughed.

Once the boys had gotten what they wanted we walked to the toys to grab Ross one. Ross was on Rocky's shoulders and Alexa was stood next to them. They walked ahead as rocky held Alexa's hand. I took a picture and smiled before following them. We got to where the toys were and rocky placed Ross on his feet. "Go find a toy" I smiled. Ross smiled before starting to walk around. He looked up "it's a Baby!" He exclaimed as he pointed to a shelf. I looked where he was pointing and saw a doll. "Yeah that's a dolly. D'you want it?" I asked. Ross nodded. Rocky looked confused. "Don't worry. All of you have played with Dolls before" I laughed before grabbing the doll Ross was pointing at. "D'you want another toy?" I asked. Ross nodded before turning around and running to a bucket of cars. "This?" He asked. Rocky smiled and I nodded "of course."

We got to the Checkout and Ross was looking at the man who was scanning the items. "These for him?" the man asked as he scanned the doll and the cars. I nodded. "Yep" I laughed. Alexa came over and lifted Ross up. "C'mon"

We got to the car and Ross smiled. "Toys?" He asked. "When we get home baby boy" I laughed. Ross nodded before sitting in the car. All the way home Ross was smiling and obviously couldn't wait to play with his new toys.

We got home and Rocky and Alexa helped me take the bags inside. Ross followed and ran to Mark,smiling. "Daddy! I got new toys!"

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