Goodbye little one

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The next morning
Stormie POV

I was making breakfast when Ross,slowly walked in. He didn't look well at all. "Baby? What's wrong?" I asked,lifting him into my arms. "Throat hurts" He whispered. "And head" I rubbed his back as Mark walked in. "What's wrong?" He asked,taking Ross out of my arms "Little One feels sick" I told my husband,getting the Medicean out. I gave Ross a spoonful. I kissed his nose "Have some breakfast and then we can cuddle."

After Breakfast,Rydel told us that the tea party is in a week so Ross can get better. I lay Ross on the Couch and covered him with a blanket. I put some children's TV show on and stroked his hair. "Baby. You get some sleep now" I whispered. Ross nodded as his eyes shut.

1 week later

Today is Rydel's tea party. Well Rosdels tea party. That's what the fans are calling it. Rydel has invited both Savannahs , Alexa, Lori, Allison, Cheryl, Laura,Raini and Me. And of course Ross' bear has his own little chair. Ross still has a little bit of a cold but is mostly better. All morning Rydel and I were baking and Ross was decorating Cupcakes and cookies.
I walked into the garden where we told Ross to set the table. I saw each place was set with a cup,a name tag,a teaspoon and a glass. "This looks great Rossy" I smiled. He smiled back "Thankies."

Me and Rydel placed all the food on the table. "I'm gonna go get changed" She told me. "Come on Rossy" she smiled. Ross walked over and grabbed her hand as they walked upstairs.

I was wearing a long black dress and sandals with my hair curled. Rydel was wearing a pink,flowery dress with heals and her hair in a French plait. Ross was wearing a black button up shirt with black jeans and no shoes. We are trusting Ross without a pull up and with just underwear,like we've been doing for a few weeks now. The doorbell rang and Ross squealed. He had made the name tags himself. Everyone arrived and we all sat down. The boys wanted to join in but Ross and Rydel said they couldnt. We all helped ourselves to scones,and cupcakes and Cookies. Ross sat next to me so I could help him get his food. "These name tags are really nice Ross" Alexa told him. Ross smiled,looking down. "I setted the table too" he smiled. "Wow. It looks really nice" Lori smiled. Ross smiled back as I took a picture of the scones. I posted it on Instagram captioned '#Rosdel'steaparty'

Ross and Rydel looked at each other and Ross giggled. "D'you wanna do it now?" Rydel asked. We all looked confused. "Yeah!" Ross exclaimed. Rydel giggled. Rydel and Ross stood up and ran into the kitchen. "What are they doing?" Cheryl asked. "I have no idea." I laughed.

Ross and Rydel walked out with a big box and a bouquet of Flowers. Ross held them both and walked over to me. "We got you these because I wanna say thank you for adopting me." Ross told me,handing me the box and the flowers. Everyone 'aw'ed in unison. I smiled "Thank you baby boy" I smiled. "And I Aswell wanna say thank you for looking after me so well and I love you" He told me. I lifted him up and hugged him. "I love you too baby" "open the box!" Ross exclaimed. I opened it and saw a big cookie with 'Thank you Mommy' written on it in icing. I smiled "Thank you"

The next morning.

I woke up at 5:30 and walked downstairs. Everyone else was still asleep. I walked outside to our letter box and grabbed all the post. I was reading through the letters when I saw 'To Mrs and Mr Lynch' I raised an eyebrow and opened it. I read through it and tears appeared in my eyes. "MARK!" I screamed. I ran up the stairs and into our room where I saw Mark reading the paper. "Storm? What's wrong?" He panicked. "Th-They're-" I broke down sobbing. "What?" He asked. I handed him the letter and he read it "Oh my god" he whispered. "They're fighting for him."

Later that day we were all siting together on the couches. "Everyone. We need to tell you something" Mark whispered. "What daddy?" Ross asked. "Rossy. You're old Mommy and Daddy want you back. In a week me and Daddy are going to fight for you" I told him. "No! I don't wanna go back!" He sobbed. I wrapped him in a hug as everyone else looked ready to cry. "We're gonna try really hard baby. I promise"

1 week later

I walked into the house crying. Mark followed and we saw Ross run over. "Mommy? What's wrong?" He asked. i wiped my eyes "I have to go don't i?" He whispered. I nodded and he started crying "I'm so sorry baby boy." Mark whisperd. "Please don't make me go" Ross sobbed. "Im sorry. There's nothing we can do."

Ross left two days later. I couldn't stop crying as we walked him out to the car. Ross started screaming and sobbing Mark looked heartbroken as the social worker drive off. As soon as I saw the car drive away everyone started crying. Even Mark and the boys.

3 weeks later

It's hard without Ross. Rydel isn't having Tea Parties anymore and Riker and Rocky barely talk. Ryland just stays out the way. I was washing the dishes when the phone started ringing. I walked over and answered it. "Hello?"
"Is this Mrs Lynch?"
"Aah. Stormie. D'you still want Ross?"
"Yeah. Of course I do"
"Well Michael and Alyssa lost custody again. If you want him get to the hospital now"
"Oh my god. Okay"

I hung up "EVERYONE DOWN HERE NOW!" Everyone walked downstairs. "What Mom?" Ry asked sadly. "We're going to get Ross back"

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