The band house

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Stormies POV

I got home and saw Ross lying on Rydel with ice on his arms and legs. He onesie was unzipped and Rocky was fanning him with an old book. I walked over and felt Ross' forehead. It was abit warm. "How you feeling?" I whispered. Ross looked at me "Not good mommy" he whispered. I smiled sadly. I'm glad he can talk now. "Mommy I'm cold" he whispered. I took the ice away from him and lifted him up. I placed a pacifier in his mouth and kissed his head. "He can sleep in my bed tonight mom." Rydel suggested. "No it's okay baby girl. He'll sleep with us" Mark told her,kissing her head. Rydel smiled up at her father. I looked down at Ross, he was slowly falling asleep. I smiled "Guys. I'm taking him up to bed." I whispered. The boys nodded. I stood up and slowly carried the 4 year old up the stairs.

I lay him on my bed as I got into my pyjamas. "Mommy?" Ross slurred. "I'm here honey." I whispered,stroking his soft hair. He fell asleep again and I took his onesie off. "Hey" Mark whispered, walking in. I smiled as I lay Ross in the middle of the bed. "See how he is in the morning and decide whether to take him to the hospital or not" Mark whispered. I nodded as Ross shifted onto his side. I smiled as me and Mark climbed into bed.

The next morning

I woke up and placed my hand on Ross' forehead. My eyes were closed. "that's not my head momma" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw I had my hand on Ross' chest. I smiled at him as I moved it to his forehead. It didn't feel warm at all. "You feeling better baby?" I asked. Ross nodded "Yes mommy" I smiled. There was more colour in his face and he was more smiley. "Good. Shall we have some breakfast?" I asked, lifting him up. He nodded and took the pacifier out of his mouth and handed it to me. He fought to get down so I placed him on the floor. I stared at him, confused. "I'm a big boy now mommy" he smiled before running out of the room. I smiled before following him.

2 Days later

Everyone was in the pool when Ross and I got back from visiting his class that he's Joining in september. "What you doing?" Ross asked, vanni. "We're swimming. D'you wanna come?" She asked. "Are you gonna push me under?" He asked, placing his pinky in the water. The girl looked shocked "no! None of us will" Riker assured. Ross looked unsure but nodded. He's never been in a pool before. "Go get in your swimsuit Rossy!" Rydel exclaimed. Ross nodded before walking back to me

Ross' POV

I got in my trunks before walking to the pool. Rydel saw me and smiled before opening her arms. I walked over and she slowly placed me in the pool. I gasped "Kick your legs" she told me. I did and she showed me how to move my arms to avoid sinking. "How was seeing your new classroom?" She asked. I shook my head "I didn't like it" I told her. "why not?" She wondered. "Because I won't be able to see all of you" I told her. Everyone exchanged looks. "Shall we tell him?" Ryland asked. Everyone nodded "Rossy." Riker whispered, sitting me on the edge of the pool. "We're not gonna live here anymore" Rocky told me. tears appeared in my eyes. "Why?" I asked. "Because we can't live here forever and you'll still be able to see us-" I cut Ryland off "Is it my fault? It's my fault you're leaving isn't it?!" I sobbed before getting up and running inside. "Ross!" Daddy exclaimed but I carried on running upstairs.

I ran into Mommy's and Daddy's room before hiding under the bed. I started crying again as I curled up in a ball. "Ross!" I heard. Riker was shouting for me. I covered my ears as tears ran down my face. I stared at the door and saw Mommy's feet get to the door. She sighed and slowly made her way over to the bed. I saw her kneel down and look under the bed. "Found you" she smiled. I just stared at her. "C'mere" she whispered, pulling me out from under the bed. "What's wrong?" She asked, hugging me. "They're leaving because of me" I sobbed into her chest. "What?! No they're not" Mommy assured. "Then why are they going?" I whimpered. "Because, when you grow up you'll move out too. Otherwise they'll not be enough room" I looked up at her. Mommy wiped my eyes. "Rossy. It's not your fault they're going.  I promise." she whispered. "Really?" I whimpered. Mommy nodded. "You want some cookies?" She asked. I smiled slightly "With milk?" She asked. "And cuddles?" I whispered. She smiled "and cuddles"

Later that night

I was cuddled up to Mommy on the couch as everyone watched a movie. "Baby. You hungry?" Delly asked. "No" I mumbled. Daddy lifted me up. "C'mon. We're going for a drive."

Daddy sat me in the car and we started driving. "Are you taking me back?" I asked. "No buddy. Of course not" he assured. "Sorry" I whispered "You have nothing to be sorry for" he assured. "I love you daddy" I told him. I know he's taking me back to the home. "Love you too Ross" he smiled. We pulled up at a big house "What's this?" I asked "This is the band house. I'm gonna show you around"

2 hours later

Daddy showed me around before taking me home. "So, D'you like it?" He asked. "Yeah" I smiled. "Are you gonna go stay there one of the nights?" Daddy asked. "If they'll let me" I smiled as we walked into the house. I ran over and hugged Ryland. "Sorry"

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