Home and headaches

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Stormies POV
2 weeks later

Ross is coming home today. I'm so happy. He's been doing really well and assured both Riker and Rocky it wasn't either of their faults.
I helped Ross out of the car and held his hand before leading him inside. "When can I go back to school?" Ross asked. "You missed a lot baby. We're going to have a meeting with your school tomorrow." I told him. Ross nodded and I placed him on the couch and crouched down Infront of it. Mark walked into the living room after getting Ross' stuff from the car. "D'you want anything buddy? Food? Drink?" Mark asked, crouching down next to me. Ross looked at us both. "Can we all cuddle?" He asked. Me and my husband smiled and nodded "of course"

The next day

Ross, Riker, Vanni, Rydel and I arrived at the school and walked to the office. As we arrived we saw the principal waiting with a smile on his face. "Hi" he smiled. we all smiled back and he crouched next to Ross "hey buddy. How're you feeling?" He asked. Ross smiled slightly and shrugged causing Mr Smith to look up at me. "He's pretty weak but he's doing okay" I smiled. He nodded "would you like to go see your class?" Mr smith asked. Ross nodded "can I stay?" He asked hopefully. "Not today. You need to be 100% better" mr smith smiled. Ross nodded and we all walked to his classroom. Mr Smith knocked on the door and peeped his head inside "hi Mr smith" we heard Mrs Dawson say. Mr smith smiled. "We've got a little visitor."

Ross' POV

"We've got a little visitor" mr smith smiled. He opened the door more and I walked in slowly. Mrs Dawson smiled "hi Ross" she squealed and hugged me. "How're you feeling?" She asked. I shrugged. I looked at Connor and saw him smiling. "C'mon Connor" Mrs Dawson laughed. Connor dived out of his seat and ran into my arms. We hugged each other tight  "I thought you were asleep forever" he whispered. I shook my head "I'm okay now" I smiled. Connor nodded "are you staying?" He asked. I shook my head "I'm not aloud yet" Connor hugged me tight "okay. I got you a card. I'll bring it to you soon" he smiled. I nodded and Mrs Dawson placed her hand on Connors shoulder "let Ross go now honey. He needs rest" she smiled. Connor nodded "get well soon Rossy"

30 minutes later

We got home and mommy had got me a McDonalds on the way home. Once u had eaten it My head was hurting so I lay on the couch. Mommy walked over and stroked my hair. "You alright my love?" She asked. "Head hurts" I told her. She sighed "D'you want some more Medicean?" She asked. I shook my head "can I have a nap?" I asked. Mommy nodded and stroked my hair again. "I'm gonna go to the store. Vanni, Riker and Rydel are gonna watch you. Daddy should be back soon" she told me. I nodded slightly and mommy pulled a blanket over me. "You sleep okay?" She whispered. I nodded slightly "can I have stitch?" I asked. Mommy smiled before getting stitch from the end of the other couch. Vannis mommy and daddy got it for me when I was in hospital. Mommy handed him to me and I hugged him. "You sleep?" She whispered as my eyes drooped. I nodded slightly and let my eyes close.

5 hours later

I opened my eyes and saw mommy sitting on the floor next to me talking. I looked around and saw everyone was over.
And a few other of their friends. Along with mommy and daddy. "Oh look who's awake" Alexa smiled. Mommy turned around "hey sweetheart. How're you feeling?" Mommy asked. I shook my head. My head still hurt and I wanted to sleep but I was hungry. "Hungry" I whimpered. Mommy nodded and stood up "I'll go grab you some food okay? You sit up now" she told me and helped me sit up. I held onto stitch and saw everyone in the room smiling at me. I frowned. "What's wrong?" Daddy asked. "Staring" i mumbled. "Ross. They're just glad you're okay." Daddy smiled. I nodded slightly as mommy walked back in with a bowl of pasta and sauce. "You eat this okay?" She told me. I nodded. "Head hurts" I mumbled. Mommy nodded. "I'll go get you some more Medicean."

20 minutes later

I finished the pasta and had taken the Medicean. Mommy had gotten me changed into my Disney pyjamas and I was curled up on the couch under a blanket with stitch while watching TV. I was leaning onto Rydel as everyone else talked. "Mom is he alright?" Riker asked. Mommy nodded "the Medicean he's on makes him drowsy and tired. The doctor said he'll be in pain for awhile. Don't worry. He's fine" mommy explained. I glanced up at Rydel and she looked Down at me and smiled. I smile back and kissed her arm before watching TV again.

1 week later

I'm aloud to do half days at school now.  Today's my first half day. I have to go home at recess though. Mommy walked  into my room and smiled at me. I was dressed and had already washed and brushed my teeth. "Someone's eager. Shall we go have breakfast?" She asked. I nodded slightly so she helped me out of bed and walked me downstairs.

I had oatmeal for breakfast with a cup of tea and my medicine. "You don't have to go back to school if you're not ready" mommy told me. "I wanna" I told her. "But if you want to stay-" "Stormie. He wants to go and he'll be fine. Calm down." Daddy looked at me. "C'mon let's get you to school"

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