Chapter 4 - Amir

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"Y/n!" you heard voices cry out. How many? You didn't know. Who? You didn't know that either. All you knew was darkness.


You woke to the sound of yelling, your head throbbing. The voices seemed to belong to a man and a little girl. What's going on? you thought drowsily, trying to pry your eyes open but being blinded by the sun.

"Oh, Y/n," you heard Lucy gasp from somewhere right beside you. You turned your head to where the voice had come from. "Are you alright?"

Through a bunch of haze, you saw Lucy on your right and Eustace on her right. You gave a weak nod. "I suppose," you groaned. "As well as I can be after everything, at least."

A man came and yanked at the chain that was connected to the shackles around your wrists. "Time to go, Princess," he smirked disgustingly.

You narrowed your eyes at him, glaring him down. Even when Lucy went on stage, you glared at everything and everyone around you. Those people were absolutely disgusting. Besides, once again, you found yourself being handled like an item and it made you angry.

Lucy got a sold sign around her neck and you were dragged onto stage next. "And now this young lady!" the man announced. "Who will kick off the bidding?"

"I bid 200!" someone immediately yelled from the crowd.




"300!" Silence ensued for a bit.

"350!" Another silence.

"Any more bids?"

"500!" A long silence.


The money was handed over and the man that had bought you took you by the chain and started dragging you away. "What are you doing?!" you hissed.

"Saving your life," he snapped quietly before pushing you into a house before him and slamming the door shut.

You glared at him defensively. "Who are you?"

The young man threw off his hood and his brown eyes bore into yours. "I have to unlock your shackles for a handshake so you have to promise not to attack me." You rolled your eyes to hide a grin and put your hands forward. The man unlocked them and offered you a hand when they fell off. "Prince Amir. Third in the line for the Calormen throne."

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[From Pinterest, ofc:

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"Y/n," you said simply.

"I know," he nodded with a smirk.

"So what are you doing so far from home?" you asked curiously.

He nodded towards the door with a frown. "Trying to make a change here. It's harder than you might think. Can't use my status because I'd have no power here anyway."

"Yeah," you hummed thoughtfully. Shouts could be heard from outside and you immediately strided towards the door.

"No," Amir said firmly, stepping in front of you. "You're too hurt to help."

"Amir," you said warningly. "Those are my people out there."

"I know," he said quietly. "And I understand. So at least let me bandage your hands before we go and fight."

"Fine," you huffed, putting your hands forward and he pulled out a bandage roll from his pocket. "But make it quick."

Amir was a wizard with those bandages. In less than a minute, your hands were comfortably wrapped and you could somewhat move them. "Here," he handed you a sword. "Seems a better decision to fight with that than magic."

You nodded to him firmly and stepped out the door. He followed right behind you and both of you clashed with different men almost immediately.

You threw a punch at the man you were fighting, which he had to go off balance to dodge. He laughed, thinking he'd been smart but you used the off-balance moment and swiped his legs from under him and he fell to the ground. You saw how town's people now came to help too, ready to take their freedom back.

With all that was going on, you couldn't see your friends anymore. Well, old friends. Amir and you were fighting back to back, making sure the other didn't get harmed from behind.

For a few minutes, the battle went on but then it ended. You panted with exhaustion, after all, being knocked out isn't the type of unconscious that gives a lot of energy back. "You alright?" Amir asked, his voice laced with a bit of the accent that Caspian used to have.

"Yeah," you said quietly but then heard cheering and knew who it was for. You glanced to where you knew it was coming from. "I- Um-"

"I'll be right behind you," Amir nodded, understanding what you meant.

Despite your exhaustion, you took off running with a smile and almost flew through the crowd, avoiding the man that was starting to talk with Caspian just in time. "Y/n!" Lucy exclaimed, hugging you. "You're alright! We thought we'd lost you there."

"How'd you get away?" Caspian asked, giving you a side hug right after Edmund had done so. "We heard you'd been sold and then taken away."

"Yeah, about that," you grinned, your eyes searching the crowd. You found who you were looking for and waved him over, coming to a stop when you reached where the boats were. "Guys, this is Amir, the one who bought me," you introduced.

Lucy drew his dagger. Amir raised his hands in caution. "I mean no harm," he assured.

"Yeah, he set me free and all," you backed him up, letting Lucy know she can drop her weapon with a glance. "He's a Prince, actually. Third in line for the throne of Calormen."

"I've heard about you," Caspian smiled. "You went missing."

"Happens when you run away," Amir shrugged like it was no big deal. "I've been here for a year to help but there wasn't much I could do except buying as many people as I could and then setting them free and helping them and their families escape."

"We'll pay you back for everything," Caspian said generously.

"There's no need," Amir smiled. "It was my choice."

"Alright, but do you want to come with us to the ship?" Edmund offered, earning a nod from Caspian.

"No, thank you," Amir smiled again. "I'll stay here and help where I can. I'm sure you're rather well off on your own, too."

You gave a solemn nod to him. "Thank you, anyway."

"It was an honor," he smiled before your attention was drawn away from him by a shout.

"My King!" It was an old man, one of the lost lords, you assumed. "This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years." He gave Caspian a sword and Caspian gave it to Edmund.

"That's an old Narnian sword," Edmund noted, looking over it.

"It's from your Golden Age," the lord agreed. "There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us." After that matter was handled, you all said your goodbyes to the lord and climbed on the boats.

You waved to Amir, who waved back, as the crew rowed you back to Dawn Treader. You hoped that you'd see him again some day. Or if you wouldn't, you hoped he'd be happy.

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