Chapter 6 - Another Duel

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"Oh, not at all," Edmund shook his head fondly, picking up the sword he had put down to converse with you. "Everything's great, Reep."


It had been a few days when you jumped from the railing you were sitting on, startled by Reepicheep who swung on a rope past you. You had clearly been zoning out. "Sorry, Your Majesty," Reepicheep said with a bow before turning to Eustace whom he had been chasing. "Still trying to run away? We're on a boat, you know?"

"Look, can't we just discuss this?" Eustace asked.

What's he done now? you thought. Despite your optimistic ideas of him at the start, he was starting to annoy you, too.

"That was for stealing," Reepicheep said, stabbing a hole in Eustace's shirt with his sword. "That was for lying," he pulled an orange out of the said shirt. "And that was for good measure," he slapped Eustace across the face with the orange.

As you were waiting for, Eustace swung the knife he was holding at Reepicheep. "Aha!" the mouse exclaimed, obviously expecting the move. "We have ourselves a duel. Catch." Drinian caught the orange he threw with an amused smile.

"Now, come on," Reepicheep encouraged. "Take your best shot." Reepicheep ducked under Eustace's 'best shot'. "Is that it?" he asked. "Come on, Boy."

As the duel continued, Reepicheep continued to give his opponent advice on fighting. A clever plan to teach Eustace, you had to admit. Then, to end the fight, Reepicheep knocked Eustace into a basket.

You knew Eustace's scream was girly but not that girly. You walked forward a bit and saw a girl crawl out of the basket. "Gael?" a man asked. It was the man you had taken on board at the island and the girl was obviously his daughter. "What are you doing here?" the man inquired. After a few seconds of silence, he went and hugged his daughter.

You smiled at the caring family moment. Drinian neared the pair and both of them looked rather afraid of what was to come in a moment. "Looks like we have an extra crew member," he spoke kindly and handed Gael the orange.

You grinned before taking matters into your own hands, along with Lucy. "Welcome aboard," the younger girl greeted.

"Your Majesties," the youngest girl said timidly, with some admiration.

"You can call us by our names," you assured before putting a hand forward. "Come on, now." You and Lucy guided her to where Caspian's cabin was. He had given it to you and Lucy and gone to sleep with the crew since you and Lucy were the only girls on board. Now, there was Gale and of course you'd share the space with her. The more the merrier.

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