Chapter 25 - Brave

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"I'll tell the men we'll deport as soon as possible," you announced, waiting until you received a nod of approval from Caspian, since he was at the top of the chain of command, before walking to give the message. Behind you, you saw the Blue Star rise back up and take its place in the sky.


The Dark Island loomed in front of the Dawn Treader and fear was eating you up from the inside as you prepared for anything that could be coming. With your armor, you also put on a brave face, refusing to let the fear get the best of you. For the first time in a few days, you remembered the promise you'd made to Your Father and were determined to hold onto it with all your might. Especially because you had forgotten about it before.

"So, what do you think is in there?" Tavros asked up on the master's bridge. Him, Drinian, Caspian and Lucy were there while you geared up. Doing it in advance always helped you calm your nerves because that way, you knew you'd be ready and would get to fix anything that needed to be fixed since there was time to do that.

"Our worst nightmares," Edmund answered flatly. There was no denying that.

"Our darkest wishes," Caspian added. There was no denying that, either.

"Pure evil," Drinian summed up.

At that moment, you came onto deck and climbed up to the master's bridge without a second thought. "You guys should get ready, too," you told everyone. "I'll stay here and make sure everything's fine."

They gave you grateful nods and Drinian gave an order to the crew, too. Soon, you were left alone, steering the ship. You had proved yourself worthy of that a bit of time after you got on the ship, hence Drinian trusted you enough now.

A soft, warm breeze blew against your face. It seemed to carry a voice.

"Be brave, My Daughter," it whispered. "I'll help when time is ripe."

You smiled, your fear not seeming as bad anymore. I will, Father. For You, for Narnia and for everybody that was taken.

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