Chapter 14 - Walking

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"Wake up."


You gasped for air, your head shooting up from the sandy ground it had been laying on and you coughed furiously as everything came back to you. The storm. The wave. You falling overboard.

All the old feelings of dread and sadness came back too but when you remembered Your Father's words, they more or less vanished. Or you made yourself believe they did - you promised Your Father you wouldn't let them swallow you.

When the not-scared part was arranged, you decided to warm yourself up. When that, too, was done, you stood up to figure out where you were. You were on a sandy beach, as you guessed before, and the island didn't seem too green if you considered what was right behind you.

"Alrighty-tighty," you muttered to yourself before wobbling your spyglass off of your belt and raising it to your eye. "Show me the island I'm on." You were right - there were only some single spots of green and the island seemed to be volcanic otherwise.

"Now where are the Pevensies?" It showed you a cave. "The island the Pevensies are on." The same island from a minute before appeared in your view.

"Nice!" you grinned before putting your spyglass back to your belt. "Now if I could just get to them... I mean, I could just walk along the shore and I'd reach the place they came to land eventually, right?" you thought out loud. Then you shrugged. "It's not like I have any other choice anyway."

So you walked. For the first minute or so, you enjoyed the breeze. But then everything started catching up with you. Although the storm and stress coming with it were gone and you had managed to somewhat avoid overthinking the mist situation, there was still plenty to make you feel bad. Well, two bigger things, to be exact.

First was hunger. The portions on the ship had been rather small because there wasn't much and all needed to eat something. Second was sleep. The night you went overboard wasn't definitely the first one you had decided to be up late. And even if you went to sleep, the sleep you got wasn't deep enough to make one feel rested.

You sighed, stopping when a high and rocky hill came into your view. Your choices were to either climb straight over it or go around it in the water. You decided smarter would be the latter because then you wouldn't get lost in the land and you could cool yourself down since the sun coming straight down to your head was getting a bit uncomfortable.

Your first steps into the water were rather cautious, your eyes darting around for any danger that could be in it. When you saw none, you proceeded. Luckily, the water around the mountain wasn't too deep, only going up to your waist, and you managed to come up to the shore again rather quickly.

Yet, your enthusiasm was all gone when you had walked for another some time. You were getting hot, you were pretty sure you were extremely dehydrated, had a sunstroke, despite the fact that noon had passed a long time ago, and the ship was still nowhere to be seen. By the time you had come to a conclusion - you could've either gone the other way in the start and you would have reached the ship just around the corner or you were at the exact opposite side of the island and the said island was just so much bigger than you initially thought.

When sunset was starting to arrive and you were getting more and more hopeless, you heard voices from somewhere ahead of you. My mind must be playing tricks on me, you thought. They're probably already gone, considering there's not much for them to benefit from on this island.

But then you noticed a little hill ahead of you, blocking your view. You decided to try and recall what you heard. "The boats are ready, Sire." You played the voice over and over in your mind before you realized whom it belonged to. Tavros. They were still here!

Without you noticing, your feet decided to pick up the pace. It didn't matter why they were still here to you. What mattered was the fact that they were and so, the probability of you getting left behind decreased. As you sharpened your hearing, you heard a roar. Dragons? you taught. You had never seen a dragon before but you supposed that if they were real anywhere, it would be Narnia.

It still took you some time to get to the hill and then, although you had so little left to go, your legs decided that you wouldn't go a step further without at least taking a break. So you stopped and sat down on the foot of the hill, admitting that a break wouldn't hurt. Especially in your state.

So for a bit of time, until the stars came out, to be exact, you sat there and let your hurting legs relax in the water. You were sure you would've fallen asleep if the circumstances were any different but the fact that your friends could be just around this hill made you wide awake although it shouldn't have been physically possible.

You realized that no matter your efforts, you couldn't stay awake much longer and you weren't willing to risk the fact that your friends, if they were even there, would be gone by the time you woke up. So you did the only sensible thing. You stood up and trudged through the water, your legs almost too tired to walk, let alone climb over a rocky hill.

And when you rounded the last corner, then, to your utmost happiness, and slight surprise, there was a campfire. 

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