Chapter 28 - Just A Minute

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"Do it!" you heard Caspian cry and looking up, you saw that the sword in Edmund's hand had started to glow a powerful blue color. He faced the sea serpent, blade raised, and when the monster charged, he stabbed the blade right into the roof of the mouth. Electricity crackled through the serpent, even when Edmund pulled the blade out and then, the monster fell down into the water before generating into nothingness.


As your adrenaline started to wear off, you started to feel gashes on your body and not just the shoulder. Beams of light started to break through the dark ceiling of mist and you only now saw and felt how broken your shirt was under your armor. The said armor had come open in some places in the process of your body being thrown around by the circumstances and you could see blood seeping out from a gash in your shoulder.

Must've stabbed it on something when I fell, you thought, meanwhile sheathing your sword that was just limply dangling on your side. You winced as the movement made your shoulder sting and grasped it with your free hand.

"The spell," Lucy spoke happily, "it's lifting."

So is my energy, you sassed to yourself, feeling your head slowly start to spin.

"Edmund! Caspian! Y/n!" Lucy called again.

"Present," you coughed, feeling the taste of blood in your mouth, too.

"Look!" she said happily, missing the pained tone in your voice. You couldn't blame her - it was a happy moment.

A very happy moment indeed, you thought when you saw the boats with the captured slowly drifting towards the Dawn Treader.

"Narnians! Narnians!" the people on the boats cried, the crew cheered, and you pushed yourself off of your wall and trudged to stand next to Edmund and Caspian, now also feeling the bruises on your legs. Looking down, they were just minor scrapes but you blamed the fatigue coming over your body for how they felt.

You saw how Gale's family united and smiled, seeing Edmund and Lucy had a sibling moment, too. "Hey, Caspian," you whispered, as to not alert anyone else.

"Yeah?" he asked, turning to you. Then he gasped, his face scrunching up at your bruises. But he seemed to catch up to your point of whispering and didn't make a scene. "Come on, let's go get you patched up."

You nodded gratefully, letting him lead you through the ship and sit you down on a bench. While you were walking, Caspian also gave a command to help the people on the boats on board and then proceeded to walk with you. "So how'd you manage to get your armor that open?" he asked, struck by how badly it was sitting on your body. "I mean, it looked okay before the fight started."

"I think it was the mist," you admitted. "I did feel something weird going on when I was distracting the serpent."

"Okay then," he nodded, making a final knot - he had noticeably finished bandaging and cleaning your wounds. "It's the best I can do at the moment. Can you walk?"

You ignored the fact that your head was spinning like crazy. "Yeah, I think so," you nodded. "You can go ahead, I'll," you yawned, resting your head back on the wall. "Come in a minute, I promise."

He gave an understanding nod and disappeared. Just a minute, you promised yourself, closing your eyes. Just a minute...

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