Chapter 23 - The Blue Star

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"Still missing one," Caspian said, being the first one to express what all of you thought - you had a problem.


Light blue light shone down on the swords, making them glitter, and you all looked up, searching for a possible source. "Look!" Lucy exclaimed, being the first one to notice.

It was the Blue Star. The same one that had guided the ship on the journey since the Eastern waters weren't mapped. In fact, you were making history, being the first ship to go that far. Well, except for the lords, of course, but they sorta didn't count because they never came back to tell the tale.

As the Star neared the ground, Caspian drew his sword with caution but didn't attack. The ball of light lowered until it was basically on your eye level and then, a beautiful woman formed out of it, still glowing.

"Travelers of Narnia," she spoke. You shivered at the voice - it seemed to echo through the air. Not quite like Your Father's, which made the ground tremble and the air ring, but a bit lighter. Like a breeze. It also brought a sense of peace over your body and all of a sudden, your fears didn't seem as big and scary anymore. "Welcome." The crew, except for Tavros and another man, kneeled before her. "Arise," she said, unfazed.

"Are you not hungry?" The girl around Caspian's age seemed rather amused.

"Who are you?" Edmund asked, looking at her with a look you couldn't decipher. He seemed to be in a trance. But at the same time, you all must've seemed that way.

"I am Liliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide," she said. Once again, you realized you probably were ahead of the others with your thought process. Or perhaps, everyone just decided to state the obvious that day as to not cause confusion.

"You're a Star?" Caspian asked, as if trying to confirm what he just heard. Liliandil nodded. "You are most beautiful."

You bit back a laugh. What- Where'd that come from?! I mean I don't disagree, though... Indeed, that statement was rather agreeable, just uncalled for. You really hoped you could perhaps become friends with her since she seemed just so utterly nice.

"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form." See? Nice.

"No," Caspian and Edmund denied simultaneously before glaring at each other.

You cast a glance at Lucy and leaned closer to her to whisper. "She has them under quite a spell." She grinned back at you before turning to Liliandil who was about to speak again.

"The food is for you," she announced and moved her hands through the air, casting a spell that made the candles light up. "There is enough for all who are welcome at Aslan's Table. Always." Nobody moved. "Help yourselves."

"Wait," Edmund said, stopping everyone's movement. "What happened to them?" he asked, gesturing to the lords. You rolled your eyes in slight annoyance - you really thought you had established that before.

"These poor men were half-mad by the time they reached our shores," Liliandil explained with sympathy lacing her words. "They were threatening violence upon each other. Violence is forbidden at the Table of Aslan. So they were sent to sleep."

"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked curiously.

"When all is put right," Liliandil nodded.

A question swelled up in your mind and you didn't hesitate to ask. "What do we have to do?" You dreaded the answer, you really did. And yet, you felt relieved about the fact that there wasn't much left to do. Or so you assumed.

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