Chapter 29 - The Wave

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He gave an understanding nod and disappeared. Just a minute, you promised yourself, closing your eyes. Just a minute...


It was most likely more than just a minute because when you opened your eyes, you noticed crew and unfamiliar people bustling around you. "Hmm," you hummed to yourself as a close-mouthed yawn of awakening, standing up as your tiredness was now gone.

You trudged onto the deck and there was an odd white water halfway to your horizon. You saw Drinian talking to Caspian and Edmund, something about not seeing how shallow the water was. Near them, you saw Eustace - as a boy again, mind you - and Lucy having a conversation.

"We'll take a boat," you heard Caspian say firmly. "It's not too far from here, after all."

"What's not far from here?" you piped up as you neared them.

"Y/n!" Edmund grinned. "Are you alright?"

"Better than I was before," you answered, mirroring his expression as he gave you a side hug.

"We're heading for Aslan's Country," Caspian explained, giving a nod to Drinian, saying he could go.

"Oh," you frowned.

"You're sad about that?" Lucy asked, also greeting you. "You don't want to see Your Father?"

"No, it's just- We probably have to go," you said. "I mean, we've defeated the mist and found the lost lords. Our job here is done." The others' faces showed understanding and you gave a sad smile.


Edmund and Caspian rowed the boat, Lucy and Eustace were on the back bench and you and Reepicheep were in the front. "How was it like when Father changed you back?" you asked Eustace. He had become a better person during his time as a dragon.

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself," he began. "Then He came towards me. It sort of hurt but it was a good pain. You know, like when you pull a thorn from your foot." He gave a smile. "Being a dragon wasn't all bad. I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really. I'm so sorry for being such a sop."

"It's okay, Eustace," Edmund assured. "You were a pretty good dragon."

It was nice to see them get along. You remembered the start of the trip. It seemed so far yet time had passed so fast. It was interesting how it worked, honestly.

"My friends," Reepicheep spoke, making you turn your body so you could see where you were going. "We have arrived."

Indeed, you had. The water lilies, because that's what the white was, ended soon and then, there was a huge wave behind a beach, standing in one place and yet, moving.

In no time, the six of you left your boat and you felt good while walking - your injuries had been rewrapped after you woke and you had also changed your clothes, so it didn't really hurt anymore.

When you glanced back towards the shore, you saw a figure following you. Your Father. This really was the end. "Aslan," Eustace said, seemingly also having noticed Him.

"Welcome, Children," He said when he got all of the attention from everyone. "You have done well. Very well indeed." You didn't doubt it for a second because you could see from His eyes how proud He was. "You have come far and now your journey is at its end."

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked.

"No, my country lies beyond," Aslan answered, referring to the wave.

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