Chapter 24 - Only Six

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A question swelled up in your mind and you didn't hesitate to ask. "What do we have to do?" You dreaded the answer, you really did. And yet, you felt relieved about the fact that there wasn't much left to do. Or so you assumed.


"Come," Liliandil invited, "there is little time." You followed the other rulers, whom you let walk in front of you, but as you walked, you reached out and grabbed an apple from the table.

What? I'm hungry, you thought, staring right back at the crew who were looking at you oddly.

The woman led you to a balcony, overlooking the ocean. "The magician, Coriakin, told you of the Dark Island?" she asked in a stating tone.

"Yes," Caspian answered simply, also staring out to sea.

When you arrived next to them, you understood why. There it was, sending shivers right up your spine and making you feel cold.

"Before long, the evil will be unstoppable."

Very encouraging, you thought, trying to make yourself a bit less empty on the inside by joking but it didn't work.

"Coriakin said to break its spell, we have to lay the seven swords at Aslan's Table," Caspian spoke.

"He speaks the truth," Liliandil nodded.

"But we only found six," Edmund said, fear evident in his voice, along with confusion.

A lump rose to block your throat and your eyes widened, tears of fear suddenly filling them as your pulse picked up. "The last one's in there, isn't it?" you asked with a very uncharacteristically small voice.

"Yes," your guide confirmed your fears. "You will need great courage."

You swallowed. "Alright. We shouldn't waste any more time." Liliandil nodded approvingly at your thought process. Caspian, Lucy and Edmund seemed to agree, too.

"I'll tell the men we'll deport as soon as possible," you announced, waiting until you received a nod of approval from Caspian, since he was at the top of the chain of command, before walking to give the message. Behind you, you saw the Blue Star rise back up and take its place in the sky.

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