Chapter 9 - That Mansion

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You heard someone shudder and a few foggy breaths were let out. You smirked. "I guess it's clear then." With that, you closed the door


"Lu, are you alright?" you asked, speeding up your steps to catch her on the stairs.

"Yes, of course," she smiled. "Just a little shaken, is all. What about you?"

"All good," you sighed. "But those things- They irritate me."

She chuckled. "I get what you mean."


Daybreak slowly arrived to the ones still sleeping on the beach. Caspian, being the first up, looked around warily, something not sitting quite right with him in the situation. Then he noticed the footsteps.

"Ed," he said quietly, squatting to shake his friend. "Ed, wake up. Wake up, look."

Edmund drowsily pulled himself up but all the sleep left him when he saw what his friend was referring to.

"Where're Lucy and Y/n?" he asked, noticing you were missing. He could swear his heart was speeding up with worry. Both his sister and best friend gone.

"Lucy! Y/n!" Caspian called, Edmund sort of echoed him. By now, Drinian and a few others had also woken up. When the Captain got the grip of the situation, he commanded the whole crew up.

Everyone ran around, gathering their stuff before Caspian led them into the woods.


You and Lucy walked down a hall, heading for the room at the very end. When you arrived, it turned out it was a rather magnificent library. You immediately headed for the big book in the middle of the room on a stand and Lucy tried to pry it open.

The book didn't even budge. You spotted something in the corner of the stand and pointed to it. "Lucy, look!"

"Should we...," she trailed off, indicating blowing on the book like the carvings did.

"On three," you nodded. "One."


You both blew and the letters of the title went back to their places like they'd been a long long time ago. With grins on both of your faces, Lucy followed your hand with her eyes as it now moved to open the book and it now did so with ease.

You let Lucy turn the pages of the book, stepping a few steps away from her to look around. For some unknown reason, you felt the need to go to the desk that you could see behind yet another bookshelf.

"Lucy?" you asked, getting the younger girl's attention. "I'll be right back here for a bit. Call me if you find anything."

She gave you a nod and you resumed walking in the direction. You had seen a few other tables around the library but this had to be the most organized you had seen so far. It had a book open and whatever was written on the pages seemed to be unfinished or fogged out, in a way.

You were about to reach out to the book when a few snowflakes landed on your hand. "Nice one, Lu," you laughed, making sure she heard that. You heard her giggle before you, once again, were entranced by the book before you.

'Spell of A ... Wish', you read, careful not to say anything out loud since you supposed that's how spells worked. Also, there was a word missing so you didn't exactly know what it was. But it was a wish, so you supposed it'll be alright. A slight breeze blowed past you. It seemed to whisper something and you could swear your vision got a bit more misty for a second.

You shook your head to clear it and read on. This time, something in you that you weren't quite in control of, made sure you read the words out loud. "When these words have been spoken, your darkest wish shall come true in the ope-"

You were cut off by a... roar? from the other room that made you stagger back from the desk, a bit dizzy. "Lucy?" you called worriedly, scurrying into the other room to see if the girl was alright. She seemed to be. Somewhat, at least. "Are you alright? You look pale."

She managed a confused grin. "I could say the same to you."

"Did you find the spell?" you asked, changing the topic to why you were here. Ever since you had almost said that spell, you'd had a bad feeling about the place. Or spells- Or- You didn't really know.

"Yeah, right here," she pointed to the book while, unbeknownst to you, having the same feeling. Although maybe a little less.

"Alright, let's read it together," she nodded and so you read, not making a single spelling mistake.


Outside, Edmund spotted something silver on the ground. "Caspian," he whispered. "Y/n's dagger." As the older boy moved to get a better look, spears hit ground around him and the rest, making them become instantly alarmed and stiff in fighting positions.

Despite all their following efforts, they were at a clear disadvantage against the invisible creatures.

As the last men were losing their weapons, you and Lucy completed reading the spell inside the house. A figure seemed to step from a ladder and move to a circular table, you and Lucy followed it with your eyes. It seemed to be a human, the Oppressor, you assumed, since the creatures outside hadn't mentioned any other humans. The man looked up from his book and slowly smiled. "Welcome to my home."


"What sort of creatures are you?" Caspian asked, somewhat afraid of what the answer could be.

"Big ones."

"With the head of a tiger and the body of a..."

Caspian stood up and moved a bit towards all the other men.

"Different tiger," another voice finished for the first one. By now, the men could somewhat see the figures in the air and all of them were almost sure those weren't tigers at all. Yet, they kept their mouths shut since they weren't completely sure yet.

"You don't want to mess with us?"

"Or what?" Edmund challenged, still quite mad about the kidnapping of his friend and sister.

"Or I'll claw you to death!" a little one-legged dwarf threatened. They were completely visible now and not quite as intimidating with their huge feet and short height. Not to mention they had one foot per creature.

"And I will ram my tusks right through you!"

Now gotten over the surprise, the crew had to hold in their laughter. Even more so after the next 'threat'.

"And I will gnash you with my teeth!"

"And I will bite you with my fangs! Grrr..."

"You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Edmund countered, unsurprisingly being the first one to make a remark.

"Yes!" realization dawned on the creature's face and he fell down from the two holding him.

"Tickle us with your toes?" someone joked.

Edmund would've laughed but he'd lost his laughing mood and trudged threateningly towards the one who seemed to be the leader. "What have you done with Y/n and my sister you little pipsqueak?" He pointed his sword at him, leaving him no room to escape since Drinian had done the same from behind the creature.

"Now, calm down," the creature said scaredly, he clearly had not been frightened for a long time when told by his voice and the way he held himself. Stiff and rigid. Did he not know everything would hurt more if one made themself stiff?

"Where are they?" Edmund asked, not missing a beat.

The dwarf's fellows encouraged him to tell the truth. "In the mansion," he finally confessed.

"What mansion?" Edmund asked further. At that moment, the said house became visible. "Ooh. That mansion."

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