Chapter 16 - Alright

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You grinned and stared up at the stars where a lion face was in the middle of a chain of stars. Then, quickly like a bolt of lighting, sleep struck you and with a final yawn, you closed your eyes.


The Sun shone brightly down at your eyelids and you squeezed them further shut, enjoying the enervation that had fallen over your body. It was truly peaceful.

But then you felt a poke on your shoulder. You sighed before slowly opening your eyes. Lucy stared at you, being the one to wake you. "Come on," she said, standing up from her squat and offering you a hand, "it's almost noon by now. You slept all the way through breakfast."

"Well, I don't care," you grumbled sleepily, taking her hand so she could help you up. "I'd gladly have slept through lunch, too. It felt nice."

Lucy chuckled at you before handing you an apple. "Here. The others should be back soon, they went to search the island for one last time."

"Then why'd you wake me?" you asked, confused with the matter.

["Because it's morning and you should be awake." - "Interesting, I didn't know you wanted to die today!"{or something like that}]

"Because we have to go as soon as they come back and I didn't want you to have to move that efficiently right after you woke up," she smiled, unfazed by your grumpiness.

"Thank you, then," you nodded.

"We spotted the Blue Star this morning, by the way."

"You did?" you grinned, your tiredness partly fading away. "Nice!"

Footsteps could be heard and Caspian soon rounded the corner, the others behind him. "Good afternoon, Ladies," he greeted before turning to you, "sleep well?"

"Rather," you yawned.

Edmund simply came up and gave you a hug. "We're glad you're alright," he spoke for them all. You knew because the others nodded.

"Now, then," Caspian spoke again. "We should set sail."

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