Chapter 15 - Sleep

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And when you rounded the last corner, then, to your utmost happiness, and slight surprise, there was a campfire.


Your body wanted to burst with happiness as you took the steps towards the light. Your tiredness was temporarily forgotten and you were fastly approaching the ring of light, meaning others could see you at any given moment.

The dragon, as you had assumed, raised its head and snarled at you. Edmund and Caspian both stood up with a start, pointing their swords at you. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly and raised your hands. When nothing hit you, you sighed. "Geez." Your voice was hoarse, from the little talking you had done, and when you opened your eyes, both boys were staring at you in shock, their swords limply lowered to their sides. Despite everything, you managed a grin. "I missed you too, Boys."

They both took a few steps forward and suddenly you were in a group hug. There were no words needed to make you know how much they had missed you, too, and how worried they had been. You patted their backs awkwardly before pulling away and eyeing the dragon. "Now what did I miss?"

"We found two of the lords," Edmund said, a hand of his on your back, guiding you to sit down. "And that," he nodded to the dragon. "Is Eustace."

"Oh," you nodded, processing everything. "Sounds great. I sorta drowned, saw My Father and then woke up on the beach," you summed up.

"Have you... eaten?" Caspian asked. "Or drunk?"

"If you have anything, I'll gladly take it," you joked before he handed you an apple and a flask. "Thanks." You downed both of the things before standing up again with a grunt.

"Now if you'll excuse me," you said, hugging them both again. "I haven't slept in a while, so, goodnight." They chorused you a 'goodnight' back as you laid down next to Lucy and Gale. There was a bit of spare room on the blanket.

"I never doubted you'd come back," you heard Lucy mutter sleepily. "I knew Aslan wouldn't let you die."

You grinned and stared up at the stars where a lion face was in the middle of a chain of stars. Then, quickly like a bolt of lighting, sleep struck you and with a final yawn, you closed your eyes.

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