Chapter 30 - Epilogue

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He huffed a laugh before stabbing his sword into the sand and stepping inside his tiny boat. Your passage, on the other hand, was different. When you neared the waves, there opened a tunnel through which you could see a green meadow. You stepped a bit into it before turning back, casting one last glance at your friends. And then, the wave closed behind you.


Many think death is the end. Yet, the moment you stepped into Your Father's country, you realized it was only an end of one's life book's foreword. In other words - it was the true start.

In Your Father's country, you united with many old friends and it wasn't a place where you could be sad. It was a really happy and pure place. On your first day, although time didn't matter there, you fulfilled your promise to Caspian and spoke with his father, telling him what a wonderful young man his son had become. Caspian the Ninth seemed like the proudest father in the world those few hours you spoke with him.

Another thing you noticed about Your Father's country - it was Narnia. A happy, without-war-or-sadness Narnia. It had Cair Paravel and everything it had on the other side of the wave. The only difference was that the colors of it were purer and happier and so were all the people there.

Time passed, you figured it would be quite a lot on the other side of the wave because many people joined you, including Caspian, actually, but then you were called by Your Father, whom you now saw almost daily. When you asked Him why, He said it was to welcome the seven friends of Narnia.

That's how you reunited with Professor Kirke, his friend Polly Plummer, Peter, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Jill Pole, a friend of Eustace. You learned that Susan was no longer a friend of Narnia and that saddened you a bit but you knew she would come around. You had a feeling.

You also learned that Narnia had fallen, one of the reasons why all the seven friends were called to Aslan's country. But then again, Narnia was now here for you. And you had your friends - your family and all the other Narnians through all times. Besides, as you already knew, this was just the start.


THE END OF 'The Light of Narnia' SERIES!

The current date: 16th of June, 2022

I do thank You for being here on this journey, especially since Narnia is so little-known and underrated. I appreciate it if You stuck through all three books and all sloppily written conversations and descriptions. I hope You liked it and I hope that it made Your days just a little bit more whole, just like it did to me.

I hope that You also find joy in my other books - may it be any of those that are to come or perhaps the ones that are already finished. I hope my writing brings You joy and inspiration.

Above all, I hope that You stuck through this note and it didn't make You bored or want to quit, just this little before the end.

Thank You.

Lots of love from me and all the characters in this book <3

-Psyche (@okamusame)]

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