Chapter 19 - Ignoring

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"No, I think I'm alright," you denied before standing up from the bed. "I'll go... do something."


You entered the room where Edmund and Caspian were, the same room you were in before, and stood by the door after you greeted them. They were both a bit surprised since, usually, you would keep close to Edmund. Especially in meetings of a sort.

Caspian broke the silence as he looked back to the swords and picked one up. "We can't be sure the other lords even made it to Ramandu's Island."

"But we must hope," you said, pinning your eyes on the swords at the table. Your voice was lacking its usual happiness and as soon as the words left your mouth, you were sure the boys picked up on the tone. You cleared your throat. "I mean, the swords can't be lost."

"How come?" Edmund spoke up from where he was standing.

You glanced at him quickly before responding but looked back down, avoiding his eyes. The nightmare, you were sure it was one, had shaken you up quite a bit. It felt so real. Maybe it was your subconscious telling you the signs you had been ignoring all along? "Father wouldn't let it happen," you said quietly. An awkward silence fell over the room.

"Anyway," you said, "anyone want to spar? No, okay. Bye." You left in a hurry before either of them could answer.

The boys looked at each other. "Something's up," Edmund stated the obvious.

"Obviously," Caspian muttered, seemingly thinking about the matter already. "Should we do something?"

"Maybe we should let her be?" Edmund asked with an unsure voice. "I mean... something could've happened that we don't know about and now she just has to ponder about it for a bit before she'll come around."

"If you say so," Caspian nodded. "But I feel like we should talk to her about it." Edmund gave him a look. "At some point. We should talk to her at some point," Caspian added, getting the message from the younger boy who nodded in agreement.


For the rest of the day, you avoided Edmund. Some of it was subconsciously but another part of you was purposely doing it. You just didn't like the worried glances you got from him or the look on his face. He seemed annoyed. So, whenever you saw him coming near, you found an excuse to get out of the situation.

But now, since Ramandu's Island was already getting very near, a sense of peace and calmness took over you. It was indeed a very beautiful place and way more amazing than it had been on the map.

Then the water got too shallow for the Dawn Treader to go on and you had to get into the little boats you had been using all along the trip. You, of course, took the boat you usually did, meaning you were on the boat with 4 rowing men, the Pevensies, Eustace, and Caspian.

You looked out to the water, listening to the others chat, and when time came to go to the land, you were the first to stand up and hop out. "I'll go look around a bit," you told the others and off you went

Edmund, on the other hand, had had enough of your behavior. He told the others he was going to explore the beach for a bit, along with you. Caspian, of course, saw through his lie and wished him luck before he lightly jogged to catch up to you.

"Hey," Edmund said rather sharply, catching you by your wrist and turning you to face him. "We need to talk."

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