Chapter 20 - Talking Things Out

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"Hey," Edmund said rather sharply, catching you by your wrist and turning you to face him. "We need to talk."


You raised a questioning brow. "What about?"

"You know what about," he said, still sounding irritated. "You've been avoiding me." You opened your mouth to answer but he cut you off. "Look, I'm sorry if I did anything, can we just talk it out?"

"I'm sorry," you said, looking down. "I just had a nightmare."

"You've been avoiding me because of a nightmare?" he asked, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, because, you know, dreams and nightmares could be your subconsciousness telling you something and-"

"I don't see how that's an excuse for not talking to me. I mean, of course, unless I... was in your nightmare...," he realized and stopped talking for a second. "Was I in your nightmare, Y/n?"

You nodded, your eyes still cast downwards. You felt bad for avoiding him. "You said you didn't want me around so I thought that maybe I had been ignoring the fact that you didn't want me around and- and then I just gave space."

"That's not true," Edmund answered calmly, leaning down a bit to make sure you saw how genuine he was from his eyes. "Of course I want you around."

"Alright, I'm happy to hear that," you nodded with a small smile. "I guess I'll stop avoiding you, then," you half-joked, wanting to make sure you said that you'll stop avoiding him rather than letting him figure it out.

"Seal that promise with a hug?" Edmund asked with a grin.

"Of course," you chuckled before wrapping your arms around him.

After a minute, you pulled away. "So, I think we should go to the others. They seem to be ready to go up the mountain now."

Edmund only gave a hum of agreement and a nod before starting to walk, his hand holding your wrist, as if making sure you wouldn't disappear again. You smiled at the gesture, now realizing just how wrong you had been about him not wanting you around. 

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