Chapter 17 - Eustace

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"Now, then," Caspian spoke again. "We should set sail."


It had barely been a few hours when the men were all sweaty from rowing. The wind had disappeared so moving on was difficult and complicated.

"So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now?" Edmund asked when Drinian had informed him, Caspian and you of the situation.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there," Drinian spoke, walking around you all to get to the stairs that led up to the master's bridge.

You stared out to the sea in silence, dangling your legs over the edge as you sat on a barrel on the inner side of the railing. You were almost going to say something when the ship jerked and you quickly launched forward, off the ship.

You didn't have time to conjure anything with your magic but a hand caught yours. Edmund pulled you back to the ship. "You have to stop hanging around on the edges," he joked but it could be heard that he was rather shaken up.

"Thanks," you panted lightly. Your heart was racing and adrenaline was bumping all around your body, making your ears ring just a bit. "What was that," you inquired, rushing back to the railing and looking around.

"Eustace! That's brilliant!" Edmund exclaimed, making you notice that the dragon flying before the ship was actually pulling the latter along.

The sight made you laugh delightedly and cheer. "Nice!" The crew clapped and cheered along and Eustace, although you couldn't see his entire face, seemed rather accomplished. You grinned. He was indeed growing on you.

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