Chapter 7 - Unfamiliar

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"You can call us by our names," you assured before putting a hand forward. "Come on, now." You and Lucy guided her to where Caspian's cabin was. He had given it to you and Lucy and gone to sleep with the crew since you and Lucy were the only girls on board. Now, there was Gale and of course you'd share the space with her. The more the merrier.


As much as you liked sailing, it was slowly getting very boring with the only entertainment on board being the occasional duels and those, too, were very predictable. And so were the books you'd ought to have read a few times by now.

So, the most blissful moment of the day arrived when a call came from the crow's nest high above your head. "Land ho!"

You spotted what seemed to be a group of islands, consisting of around three beautiful green dots and a wide river or a channel between them. Soon enough, the Dawn Treader was sailing in said channel and the islands were definitely not dots anymore.

"Looks uninhabited," Caspian informed since you decided one spyglass out would be enough. "But if the lords followed the mist East, they would've stopped here."

"Could be a trap," Drinian spoke nonchalantly.

"Or it could hold some answers," Edmund brought up.

"Or the answers could be in the trap," you pointed out, shrugging. "I suppose anything goes at this point."

"Caspian?" Edmund asked, waiting for the highest in command on the ship to make the call.

"We will spend the night on the shore. Scour the island in the morning," the older boy informed before handing the spyglass to Drinian and going to make preparations.


You, Caspian, the Pevensies along with their cousin, Gael and her father, Reepicheep, Drinian and a few more from the crew stepped foot on the land unknown to men. No one had ever come back from this far East. But it was late for exploring so camp was organized and a light dinner was served before all of you headed off to sleep.

You stared at the sky as you heard more and more of steady breaths around you. The constellations here were strange and unfamiliar, yet they felt homey. It mirrored the feeling in your heart that grew with each second you sailed towards the East.

You had supposed it was because Your Father's country was there, because something was pulling you in that particular way, but now you started doubting. Maybe... Maybe it was just longing for new things? Since no matter how much Narnia grew along in time, it stayed the same at its very core.

You weren't meaning it was a bad thing but it could get boring. Especially if keeping track of everything got hard and you expected something new but it was still the same old.

With a sigh, you stood up and pocketed your hands, walking towards the sea until steady and slow waves touched your bare feet. It was soothing, in a way.

"Couldn't sleep?" you heard a quiet voice from beside you.

"Edmund," you said just as quietly in greeting. "I sensed you coming."

Without looking, you knew a smile came to his face. "Me neither."

The two of you just stared out to sea for a little while before he spoke up again. "Y/n, you know, I think this might be Lucy and I's last time in Narnia."

"I know," you answered, a hint of sadness in your voice as you gazed up at the sky that was brightly lit with stars. "I hope you make the most of it."

"I-" he stammered for a moment. "I just feel like we haven't gotten to spend enough time together. We used to be so close."

"Just because we don't talk as much doesn't mean I wouldn't still give my life for you, Ed," you said seriously. "For any of you."

You heard him sigh and chuckled lightly. "You need a hug, don't'cha?"

For the first time during your current interaction, you looked up at him on your right and saw a shy nod. You wrapped your arms around him without a second thought and buried your face in his shoulder. You stayed like that for a few seconds before perching your chin on his chest so you could look at his face. "Better now?"

He laughed quietly. "Way better."

You yawned, breaking the silence that somehow had started to become awkward. "Do you want to read a few poems with me before we go to sleep? I think there's still enough light."

"I'd love to," he grinned and both of you made your way to sit next to the fire after you swiftly retrieved the book.

You opened it at a random page and read out loud. Well, not too loud or you'd wake the others up. Just loud enough for both you and Edmund to hear.

"'I Love'

I love the way Earth smells

after a bit of rain.

I love the way you smiled

when you heard my name.

I love how without a blink

the night can pass us by.

And how you always lend a shoulder

when I need to cry.

I love how waves

crash to the shore.

How with you,

I love myself more.

I love how love is everywhere.

But most of all,

when you are there."

[I wrote this and I don't think I have ever been so proud in my entire life! I mean, I probably have but you get the point ig :D]

"It's cheesy," Edmund laughed.

"Well, I absolutely love it," you grinned before another yawn made its way to open your jaw wider than a hippo.

"Alright, get to sleep," Edmund said with a grin, shoving you towards your blankets playfully.

"G'night," you said, not objecting to his plan. You heard a faint 'goodnight' back as you laid down.

Sleep came to take over you but just before, you realized something else. Maybe, just maybe, the stars and the land weren't the only unfamiliar thing here. Perhaps there was something inside you. Something that had been there a long time but needed to hear a cheesy poem to become brave enough to show itself to your mind. Something in the very depths of your heart. Something... called love.

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