Chapter 22 - People

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And that, you were. The road wasn't as rocky anymore and the surroundings started to resemble archways instead of a mountain road. Edmund flickered on his torch and picked up the pace to reach in front of everyone, as he was the one to shower the light on the path.


All of you proceeded with caution, your ears picking up every sound in the night, looking out for anything that could pose a threat. So far, there was nothing but nerves were doing weird things with your stomach nonetheless. You assumed it was due to the fact that an archway was coming up. It was formed inside of a tree and the perfect place for anyone who wanted to jump on the trail and scare others.

You held your breath as you passed and luckily, your naive fear didn't come true. Instead, there was a table. As Edmund shone light on it, you noticed it was laid with many delicious-looking dishes and you felt slightly hungry.

It seemed some of the crew had the same feeling because they approached the table and reached out. "Wait," Drinian commanded the crew, looking at Caspian and Edmund who were advancing to the end of the table on either side. There seemed to be something there. Like a bush but not quite.

The boys reached and Edmund let the light shine on the... people? You took a step back with caution and so did all the others, also pulling their swords. You furrowed your brows, calming down your magic as curiosity got the best of you.

"What are you doing?" Edmund hissed when you walked forth again and passed him.

You tilted your head, your gaze set on the three men. "They're alive," you muttered, noticing their bodies heave rhythmically. "Sleeping with eyes open."

The boys now proceeded, too, and Edmund properly shone light on each of them now that he was closer. They were covered in dust and branches as if it had been years since they last moved. Caspian pointed the tip of his sword to one of the humans' fingers. There was a crest on the ring he was wearing. "Lord Revilian, "he said.

You caught up to what he was saying rather quickly and looked at the others' crests. "Then the other two must be Lord Argoz and Lord Mavramorn." Caspian nodded.

"They're under a spell," Edmund pointed out the obvious.

Silence ensued before Caspian suddenly straightened. "It's the food!" he cried out, making Tavros drop an apple.

"I doubt it," you shrugged, casually popping a blueberry in your mouth before taking the torch from Edmund and shining it on a particular spot on the table. "What does that look like to you guys?" The question was aimed more at Lucy and Edmund than the others but you decided not to say that part.

"It's the Stone Knife," Edmund realized. You hummed with approval. "This is Aslan's Table!" he continued.

You looked at him like he was crazy. "What else is it supposed to be?" They looked at you like you were the crazy one. "Are they seriously telling me they only now figured that out?" you asked yourself under your breath before reaching towards one of the lords.

"Take the swords," you sighed, making Caspian and Edmund spring into action.

Each of them took one and being who they were, they admired them for a second. But hey, you did too. "On the table," Caspian said and all of you put the swords there, Lucy adding one of her own.

"That's six," Edmund counted.

"Still missing one," Caspian said, being the first one to express what all of you thought - you had a problem.

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