Chapter 5 - Wondering

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You waved to Amir, who waved back, as the crew rowed you back to Dawn Treader. You hoped that you'd see him again some day. Or if you wouldn't, you hoped he'd be happy.


Due to how hectic it had been since you arrived on the ship, you hadn't gotten the chance to think about the nightmare you had while you were under the water. But now that you were setting off to sail far East, you had time to dwell on that exact thing so that's what you did.

You looked over the railing into the waves as you wondered. Why... now? Or maybe it's obvious? I can't really remember the last time I had a nightmare like that and my last time in Narnia I killed someone and was afraid of people's reactions... It would make sense, right? But why'd Father give me a nightmare? Was it even Him? Perhaps it was the reason we're here this time? You sighed as the questions kept surfacing more and more in your mind.

Finally, you decided that the answer to your questions will come in time and decided to brush them off for now and go help around. "Hey, Ed," you said, crouching in front of him as you passed. "You're doing great," you said despite the fact that he had only cleaned the smallest bit of the sword.

"Just the start," he chuckled. "But it's going to turn out amazing."

You smiled. "I suppose it will... So, anything new in England? Why're you staying with Eustace?"

"Peter's with the professor and Susan's off to America with mum and dad," Edmund said grimly, looking at his cousin who was wandering about on the deck. "Lucky."

"I'd consider you lucky for being here," you tried to cheer him up. "I mean - Narnia's homey, don't you think?"

"Yeah," he agreed with a smile. "I guess that makes Eustace somewhat bearable."

"Hey!" you heard Eustace exclaim, obviously having heard his cousin's remark. "I'm a very nice person to be around!"

Edmund looked at him like he was a lunatic and you bit your tongue to refrain from laughing as you stood up. "I'll go check if I can help Lucy," you said, excusing yourself and walking off to find your friend.

Edmund stared at your back. Reepicheep stood next to his feet. "Is something the matter, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"Oh, not at all," Edmund shook his head fondly, picking up the sword he had put down to converse with you. "Everything's great, Reep."

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