Chapter 27 - Sea Serpent

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"Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized before rushing off to the railing.


You followed him and as soon as you saw something moving in the water, you charged magic up in your free hand. "It's a sea serpent," you announced, somehow managing to restrain your fear. Then the ship shook and you all fell over as it tilted to one side. The lord's sword flew from your hand as you fell on your side.

As pain seared through your shoulder and partly blinded and deafened you, you had no idea what was going on for a second. You heard someone frantically call your name and then the serpent rose from the water right beside you.

With a gasp, you scrambled back, the pain in your dominant arm momentarily forgotten as you drew your sword from your side. You scrambled back to the others, keeping an eye on Eustace who had landed to cover the serpent's eyes, effectively making it thrash around and break parts of the ship.

The Pevenises' cousin put up a fair fight but the monster of Edmund's nightmares bested him and smashed him into a rock. You thought it was over for him but then the dragon craned his neck and breathed fire at the monster's face, making it reel back in agony. You internally cheered because now was not the time to externally do so.

The serpent went under and there was a moment of peace.

A moment. Lord Rhoop had picked up his sword where you dropped it on the floor when you fell and now rushed to the railing, accompanied with a yell. "Out, Creature!" And he threw his sword so it dove straight into Eustace's shoulder.

"No, the sword!" someone yelled while Lucy called her cousin's name out in fear for his well-being. The dragon flew away and the lord who had caused it announced that you were all doomed.

"Yeah well that's because you just lost the only thing that was keeping the sea serpent away from us," you muttered angrily, having to watch as he went rogue and up to the master's bridge since people blocked your way. He made the ship turn so abruptly that it leaned to one side and you were further squished under people.

You growled and pushed the people on top of you away, apologizing through your teeth, just in time to see Drinian knock out Lord Rhoop and take control over the ship again, ordering men to go and row at double speed.

But the damage was already done. While your attention was drawn away, the sea serpent had time to recover and started catching up to you swiftly. Going to the back of the ship, you started shooting beams of light out of your hands at its face whenever you got the chance. it slowed it down but not quite enough for the Dawn Treader to get away.

"Prepare!" you called out, seeing that the sea serpent was about to attack. People scrambled out of the way just before the creature reached its body over the ship and dove down on the other side. It did so repeatedly and so fast that you couldn't get a clear shot without hurting anybody. Accidentally hurting somebody was as good as no shot at all, in your opinion.

Then you noticed another problem, the place where you were was completely void of people and you were separated from them with the sea serpent's body. At least you caught a glimpse of Lucy bringing Gale to safety - that made you feel a bit better.

Then the wood under you trembled a bit - it was about to crack.

"This is stupid," you muttered to yourself, not believing what you were about to do but did it anyway. You conjured a long whip, fastened it to the mast, and before anyone could realize what you were doing, you flew around the mast, clinging to your rope, and hit your feet square in the face of the sea serpent.

It was taken aback for a moment and in that moment - a moment worth a thousand, because you landed safely, now next to the others, Edmund and Caspian seemed to have come up with some kind of plan.

You saw the younger boy go and climb into the very front of the ship and you gasped with worry as you realized what he was about to do. Of course, you would've gone and helped but there wasn't enough room.

So you just had to watch. Watch as the serpent charged and completely shattered the place where he was supposedly sitting, trying to distract it.

"No!" Lucy cried out with agony.

"Edmund!" Caspian shouted at the same time, also clearly worried.

From your place quite near the front, you saw the real situation. Just a flick of Edmund's heel scrambling away from the serpent made you sure he still lived. "He's alright!" you called to all the others. The serpent seemed angry. "For now!" you added.

Edmund climbed on top of the wooden dragon's head and Lucy shot an arrow past him, hitting the monster in the eye. You would've cheered but now was really not the time. The Dawn Treader rammed the sea serpent into a huge rock and Edmund rolled down to the deck, grunting along the way.

The force of waves pushed the Dawn Treader back and the monster was freed once again, now angrier than ever. But you were too so odds were fair. I mean - it had tried to hurt everyone you cared about in the past few minutes. It tried to make you think Your Father would be disappointed with you. Well, technically the serpent didn't do that, the mist did, but the serpent is the mist, so... Point is, you were pissed. And it was showing on your face.

"Bring it on!" you challenged, going to the railing and charging more magic up in your palms than you ever had.

The serpent opened its body. "I shouldn't have said that," you muttered. "I should not have said that."

Without a second thought, because there was no backing up now, you started firing bulbs of a-bit-too-warm light at the creature's body once again, trying to buy others time for your mistake. The creature seemed to have enough of you and charged, you jumping out of the way just in time.

Caspian and Edmund both came to your aid, both chopping off a sort of limb of the creature. They fell to the deck and when the creature rose, you could see them fogging away to become the mist.

"We can beat this," Caspian muttered, seemingly getting a grasp of what had to be done. None of you knew how but all of you started to turn the gears in your brain to come up with that.

The sea serpent reached up and bit onto the mast, trying to drag the ship under through moving the mast, now. You charged energy up in your hands but immediately stumbled back, your vision getting hazy as if you were drawing energy straight from that. You leaned against the wall for a second while you thought. If I use any more magic, I'll fall unconscious... I'm probably more of use with a sword than when I'm completely out of it. You nodded to yourself at your conclusion and drew your sword, your shoulder stinging a bit, before staggering back to the others.

"Ready the harpoons!" you heard Caspian call, understanding you had missed something while you were gathering yourself.

"I want everybody up here!" Drinian called, another way of saying 'all hands on deck'. You saw how Edmund swung a rope and started climbing up to the crow's nest, probably to get closer to the serpent. You grasped your compass, which was under your shirt, for comfort and it worked, sending a sense of reassurance through your body.

"Ready?" Caspian called and you took a few more steps back, making completely sure you weren't in the way when they threw their blades.

"Aye, Sire!"

"Now!" The blades flew, securing the serpent near the ship so it couldn't retreat before it was killed. "Pull its head down!"

The men struggled against the monster but all too soon, the ropes snapped. It was up to Edmund now.

"Do it!" you heard Caspian cry and looking up, you saw that the sword in Edmund's hand had started to glow a powerful blue color. He faced the sea serpent, blade raised, and when the monster charged, he stabbed the blade right into the roof of the mouth. Electricity crackled through the serpent, even when Edmund pulled the blade out and then, the monster fell down into the water before generating into nothingness.

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