Chapter 8 - Clear

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Sleep came to take over you but just before, you realized something else. Maybe, just maybe, the stars and the land weren't the only unfamiliar thing here. Perhaps there was something inside you. Something that had been there a long time but needed to hear a cheesy poem to become brave enough to show itself to your mind. Something in the very depths of your heart. Something... called love.


Huge footprints appeared on the sand as the travelers slept. "Seems they have brought a pig," a voice whispered, the owner's breath fogging into the chilly night air.

"This one, it's female," another whispered, the breath fogging into the air just above Lucy.

"So is this one," another voice said, the breath now above Gale.

"And this one," they had also pointed out your sleeping form, your fingers lightly brushing at the book of poems.

"It seems two of them read."

"Let's take both."

You woke to being hauled up from the ground, a hand strongly clamped over your mouth. You realized the latter when you tried to yell for help.

As you kicked and struggled against your captor blindly, your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and you could see Lucy to the right of you, kicking and floating in the air. Your eyes widened frantically as you realized you were in the exact same situation.

You tried to slither your hand to use either a dagger or your magic but you couldn't even move a finger.

You were in a pretty hopeless situation up until you and Lucy both were dropped to the ground in what seemed to be a garden. You immediately drew your dagger and shoved Lucy behind you protectively, her being younger than you despite all the odds.

Without a warning, your dagger flew through the air and landed in the grass way out of your arm's reach. With a glare all around you but Lucy, you charged magic up in your hands.

"Don't use magic or she gets it!" someone exclaimed from behind you and you saw Lucy, floating in mid-air once again.

You huffed and let the whips disperse. Lucy dropped to the ground and scrambled to stand next to you rather quickly. "What do you want with us?" you spat.

"You will do what we ask."

"What if we disagree?" Lucy asked bravely.


It soon became very clear that, whoever these creatures were, always seemed to agree with the first voice, seemingly their leader.

"Well," you spoke, "what's making you so sure there aren't any invisible on our side?"

Silence followed your question.

"I thought so. Tell us what exactly you want and we'll see if we spare you," you shrugged like it was no big deal. "Or not."

"You will enter the house of the Oppressor," Lucy was roughly shoved forward but when a hand was put on your shoulder, the one supposed to push you hesitated.

You shrugged the hand off and followed Lucy, thinking the house the invisible creatures were talking about would be seen from her place. It wasn't. "What house?" you asked rather snappily. These creatures irritated you. If Lucy wasn't here, you could most likely take all of them out with ease but you weren't willing to hurt the younger girl.

"This one."

Doors opened out of nowhere and both of you stared at it with wonder, although you hid it behind a firm glare.

"Upstairs, you will find the Book of Incantations," the leader's voice spoke up again. "Recite the spell that makes the unseen seen."

Lucy immediately walked forward, you following her. But just before you walked in the door, you turned around. "Harm our friends and you might as well say goodbye to being visible ever again. Remember, if we can make you visible, we can also do it the other way around. Is that clear?"

You heard someone shudder and a few foggy breaths were let out. You smirked. "I guess it's clear then." With that, you closed the door.

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