Chapter 18 - More

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The sight made you laugh delightedly and cheer. "Nice!" The crew clapped and cheered along and Eustace, although you couldn't see his entire face, seemed rather accomplished. You grinned. He was indeed growing on you.


It was the evening and you were scared to go to sleep. More nightmares, more temptations, more... evil. The stories of what your friends had gone through terrified you.

Yet, here you were, laying on the bed while the ship rocked back and forth on the waves. You could hear the two other girls breathing steadily next to you and soon, you were out like a light.


You woke up. It was sunrise and all the people on the ship were getting ready for another day. It seemed to be rather promising, actually. Nothing could go wrong.

After having an apple for breakfast, you decided to go and find Edmund since you were bored and wanted to spar with him or just hang out.

"Hey." You found him in the room where plans were usually made. He was looking out a window. He didn't react. "Are you alright?" you asked, going up beside him.

"Why do you care?" he spat, looking at you with a glare in his eyes.

You took a step away, set aback by his words. "Because I care about you...?" It sounded more like a question even though you intended it to be a statement.

"Why are you even here?" he asked, ignoring your answer to his last question. "Nobody wants or needs you! I would do just fine ruling over Narnia without any help, including yours!"

"Edmund-" you started but were cut off by him.

"First it was Peter and you and now it's Caspian and still you!" Edmund exclaimed, taking a few threatening steps towards you and pointing a finger at you. "I wish you didn't even exist!"

"You don't mean that," you said quietly while rapidly blinking away the tears that were beginning to well up.

You swallowed a lump in your throat as your friend spoke again. "I do!"

Now you cut him off, getting a bit irritated as a defense mode. You did that to mask any other negative emotions, too. "Well, maybe for now! But you're not in the right state of mind either!" you exclaimed rather loudly. He looked at you angrily, making your confidence waver. One too many tears built up and they slowly started to fall. "I'll... leave you to think."

You turned on your heel and briskly walked out of the room. Tears clouded your vision and as you walked along the deck, the world around you got hazier and hazier and hazier...


"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!"

You jolted back into the real world, only to see Lucy, who was looking at you worriedly. "Are you alright? You were crying in your sleep."

"I- Um, yeah," you stammered with a nod, sitting up. "Just- Just a nightmare."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "It seemed pretty bad."

"Yeah, I, uh- What time is it?" you asked, changing the topic.

"About 6 in the morning, we should get a bit more sleep," she said, reading your mind.

"No, I think I'm alright," you denied before standing up from the bed. "I'll go... do something."

The Light of Narnia - Book 3 (Narnia X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now