Chapter 13 - Peaceful

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So, a small group set off to go to the land. They doubted the Lords would've gone there but well, they should search the land anyway. For three reasons. One, of course, the possibility of you being there. Second - it was a new place. It's an adventurer's duty to discover the unknown. And three - if there was any food or water, they'd need it.


You found yourself in a forest. A very peaceful one, to be exact. It was so quiet you could almost hear the trees growing. But it wasn't boring. Not at all. It was the sort of place where nothing happened and you could still be there forever. It was just so nice.

The niceness was so overwhelming that you just wanted to jump and laugh and sleep and run and all at the same time, too! But you settled for something simpler, not bothering to think about what had been before you came to the place.

In fact, you didn't quite remember what had been before. And here, it didn't seem to matter either.

While you laid in the grass and looked up to the leaves, you felt someone sit down next to you. A smile trudged onto your face and you sat up. "Hello, Father," you hugged Him, burying your face into His soft fur. "I've missed You."

"I've missed you, too, My Daughter," He chuckled deeply, smiling brightly at you. "But we can't stay together just yet. You have to do something for me."

"Anything," you smiled, ready to do what He asked you to. You hadn't felt that rested in a long time and you were sure that you could probably conquer the whole world.

"Okay, I'll tell you soon but you have to promise me something first," He said solemnly.

"Of course," you nodded, looking into His eyes. They gave you a sense of peace and comfort and... home.

"Never let fear swallow you."

You nodded.

"But now the most important thing."

You braced yourself. For some reason, you felt the need to. As if the thing to come was dangerous. And so, you were sure it wasn't going to be half as nice as this place was.

"Wake up."

The Light of Narnia - Book 3 (Narnia X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now