Update Info

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I'll be publishing new chapter whenever I can, I don't want to have a schedule for some reason :>

(Book is up but updates may vary, but the updates are slow bc of school!!)

I won't be accepting any Oc's into this Au of mine.

I myself preferably don't like oc's in stories or fanfictions, idk why but they annoy me.

So in my words I won't be accepting any oc's. If I responded to you and said, "Yes" or anything like that. I'm sorry to Inform but no oc's will be accepted into this book or universe of mine..

If you want to add oc's of your own. And use my universe then you can but you will give me credits or I'll find you and hunt you down like some worehog.


Currently chapters 24-27 are ready to be published. They are proof read and all, no mistakes will be taken in this book for me, if there is spelling mistakes correct me.
Chapter 6 was edited and changed.

Chapter 27-27 is done and will be proof read.

Chapter 28 is a work in progress!


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