make me

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prompt: "make me"

summary: in which dustin makes you join hellfire, and it is his fault that you and eddie fall completely in love and make out on the d&d table <3 

warnings: language; a tiny bit spicy ;) 


When Dustin and Mike asked you to join their D&D group, the Hellfire Club, because they found out about your secret obsession with the nerdy game, you were hesitant. Everyone knew that this club had a reputation for being a demonic cult, which was so far from the truth, but did you really want to be associated with that? After much begging, the boys finally got their way and you joined the group.

When you stepped in for the first time, your eyes immediately fell on the leader of the group: Eddie Munson. You heard the rumors about him too. You saw him cause a scene almost every lunch period. You also saw and heard all of the awful things people said to him. You wanted to believe that none of that was true.

"Dustin, you didn't tell me that our new member would be so gorgeous," Eddie whispered to the young boy. Eddie's face turned a slight red color as he stared at you. "Princess." Eddie bowed down in front of you.

"Just Y/N is fine, Eddie." You laughed and took your seat next to Dustin.

During the whole game, Eddie was wildly distracted by you. You were freakishly good at this game and looked so beautiful while doing so. He even messed up a couple of times, which never happens. Dustin made sure to make fun of him the whole time they were cleaning up after you had already left to grab something from your locker.

As you were grabbing your books for that night's homework, you couldn't stop thinking about Eddie. How his facial expressions would get so cheerful when he made a good play, the way you caught him staring, when he called you 'princess' despite your protests. You didn't even know this guy, yet your thoughts were completely consumed by him.

"Hey!" You heard Eddie's voice from down the hallway, him waving once you looked in his direction.

"Hey Eddie!" You replied.

"You are quite the D&D master. Dustin made a good call inviting you to Hellfire. Don't tell him I said that." The two laughed as you closed your locker.

"I will make sure to call him immediately to tell him that his idol gave him props for something." You winked at Eddie and his stomach filled with butterflies.

"Do you need a ride home?" Eddie offered.

"I'm ok, but thank you for offering. I'll see you tomorrow?" Eddie smiled at you.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, princess." He bowed once more and walked towards the parking lot. The butterflies returned, and you certainly did not get any sleep that night, too preoccupied with thoughts about Eddie.

"If I have to hear one more thing about Eddie, I am going to kill myself!" Dustin shouted as you, him, and Mike sat at the lunch table, waiting for the rest of the group.

"Technically this is your fault, Dusty-bun. You made me join the club. Otherwise, I never would've met him." You countered.

"I just wanted you to play D&D with us, not fall in love with our leader!"

"Be quiet!" You put your hand over Dustin's mouth. "I am not in love. I just have a crush."

"A huge crush," Mike added.

It had been three weeks since you joined Hellfire, and you were so glad that you did. You and Eddie started hanging out, doing movie nights and dinners a few nights a week and getting to know each other more. There was so much more to him than everyone thought, even what you thought at first. There were moments when you thought he would kiss you, but pulled away. He found every excuse to touch you or get close to you, especially during movie nights. You were falling hard for him, and of course, Dustin and Mike knew because they are basically your brothers.

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