you deserve so much better

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prompts: "you deserve so much better" & "shh, i know"

summary: eddie broke your heart a few months ago, and avoided you at all costs. but when dustin's birthday party comes around, steve's simple question reminds eddie that he made a huge mistake <3

warnings: language, heartbreakkk

*i got this idea from an imagine tiktok by b1tch1n_m1leven and it was super cute and inspiration struck immediately and i included requested prompts!* 


Eddie has tried to avoid you as much as possible after he ended things with you three months ago. He didn't want to have an awkward conversation where you both say that you're doing ok, but you are both clearly lying. He didn't want to know if you moved on, even though you never would because you only wanted to be with Eddie.

Eddie succeeded for three full months of avoiding you, even at school, but the fateful day came when Dustin was having his birthday party, and there was no way either of you would miss it.

You walked into Dustin's house and saw him and Steve hanging balloons. They both gave you huge smiles when they saw you.

"Y/N!" Dustin ran over and hugged you immediately. "I didn't know if you would make it or not." He told you.

"I would die before I missed your birthday, Dustin. So happy birthday Dusty-bun!" You ruffled his hair, and then handed him his gift. You walked over to Steve and started helping with balloons.

"You're early." Steve pointed out.

"I wanted to spend some time with him before everyone got here. You know I love that dang kid." You replied, laughing. "Plus, you're not going to know anyone here so I figured I would let you associate with me so they know you're cool." Steve very lightly punched your arm, you pretending it hurt. You both laughed and looked at each other, smiling.

Suddenly, the door opened and you heard his voice call out for Dustin.

"Eddie!" Dustin ran to him like he did to you. You forgot they were so close.

Eddie stopped in his tracks when he saw you. Your smile Steve gave you was off of your face, your eyes locked on Eddie.

"You look like you saw a fucking demogorgeon, Y/N." Steve said, motioning his hand in front of your face, getting you to unfreeze. You snapped out of your hard gaze and turned to Steve. "Your job is to introduce me and make me seem cool, so... who's this?" Steve inquired.

"This is Eddie Munson." You said quietly.

"As in Eddie 'the freak' Munson? You know Dustin? How come I didn't know this? Man, you look different!" Steve rambled.

"Don't call him that." You warned Steve. You said it out of habit. You were used to defending Eddie. You walked away quickly and went into Dustin's room, throwing yourself down on his floor, playing with Mews, Dustin's cat.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Steve questioned, looking at Eddie. Eddie shrugged and walked up to Steve to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you man. Dustin tells me you're a badass." Eddie told Steve. Steve nodded, clearly proud of himself.

"Were you and y/n a thing? That's the vibe I got." Steve asked.

"For a little while." Eddie said simply, even though it was a two year relationship full of love, fun, anger, sex, laughter, and everything that comes with being madly in love.

"Do you miss her?"


Eddie stood on the table of the cafeteria, spotting you walking with your friends.

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