our place | drabble-ish

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requested by: ibrshfires 

summary: you get into a fight with your parents like usual, and go to eddie since he is your comfort place <3

warnings: abusive-ish parents, i think that's it ?? 


You never had it easy growing up. You never did anything right in your parent's eyes, and once you hit a certain age, you learned to just live with that instead of letting it define your life. That doesn't mean that every argument or harsh word didn't hurt.

Once you started dating Eddie, of course, your parents didn't approve. You didn't care though. He was your comfort place and so was his trailer. He always made it feel like home with your favorite snacks and blankets, which made you never want to leave. Wayne loved having you there, especially when you helped Eddie get his life together. You became family, and they always made sure you felt that way.

It was another afternoon of coming home literally a minute later than your parents wanted and disappointment began. You had to help the Hellfire Club set up their campaign for that night, and you made them all special Hellfire bags to match their shirts. You were so excited and so were the boys. As you explained this to your mom, she scoffed.

"Those boys are devil worshippers, Y/N! And Eddie is the mastermind behind it all! You shouldn't be seen with people like them!" She shouted. You stood there, trying to hold back your laughs as you pictured innocent Dustin Henderson as a devil worshipper. "Is something funny young lady?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

"If you just took the time to get to know Eddie and maybe some of the boys, you would know that isn't true. It's far from it." You told her.

"I don't need to get to know him or those freaks. You are not allowed near them anymore. That's final."

"Or what?" You dared to push.

"Excuse me?"

"Or what, mom?" Instead of responding, your mom smirked and walked away. That was her way of assuming she got the last word and you were just being a burden per usual. As tears swelled in your eyes, you stormed into your room, packing a bag of your clothes and running out the front door without another word, prepared to spend the night at Eddie's like usual after this happened.

When you got to the high school, you leaned up against Eddie's van and waited for him to come outside. After an hour or so, he finally came out, surprised to see you standing there.


"Hey." You responded, ready to cry and any moment. Eddie noticed this and pulled you to him.

"What did she do this time?" Eddie asked, already knowing what was the matter.

"You're all devil worshippers and I can't be seen with you." You said through tears, almost laughing.

"She figured out our secret, I guess. I need to go shut down the whole operation now." Eddie joked, making you giggle. He always knew how to make you feel better. Eddie pulled away and smiled at you, kissing your forehead. He picked up your bag, throwing it over his shoulder. "Let's go back to our place." He said softly.

"Our place?" You questioned, smiling lightly.

"Yeah, if you want it to be. It's already been home for a long time anyway, so why not make it permanent? We are adults after all." Eddie said. "Once we graduate we can go get our own place because I'm sure Wayne will be tired of us by then."

"He'll be tired of you by then." Eddie pretended to be hurt, then ushered you into the van, opening the door for you like he always did. "So, our place huh?" You stated again, looking over at Eddie in the driver's seat.

"Our place." 


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