spooky bitch | drabble-ish

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requested by: eddiemunsonnlover

summary: you realize you are vecna's fourth victim, and  you stay quiet and hide from everyone and eddie comforts you <3

warnings: language, mentions of death 

*trying to update more! sorry guys! i have been so busy! hope y'all are doing well and having a great month!!*


"Four kills. Four gates. End of the world."

"If that's true, he's only one kill away."

"Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ!"

You sat in silence as Nancy told the group what Vecna showed her. The end of the world. The destruction of your home. The end of life as you know it. You zoned everyone out as they bickered back and forth. They didn't even know who the fourth victim would be, which you found somewhat humorous in the back of your mind. As if they could all just forget your traumatic past. As if they could just forget Billy dying in your arms to save you. Or you throwing yourself in front of a demodog and getting torn to shreds to save Dustin's life.

The continuous list of traumatic moments in your head keeps replaying as you sit there, and your head begins to pound. You close your eyes shut, unable to shake the feeling; and that's when you hear them.





You stood up in a panic, cornering yourself into the wall more. You put your hands over your ears and head, shutting your eyes once more.



"What's wrong?"

Everyone's voices filled the air as they crowded around you, your boyfriend, Eddie, cupping his hands on your cheeks. You just looked at him, tears spilling out of your eyes.

"Y/N, sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Chimes." Was all you could say, grabbing onto Eddie and not wanting to let go. He wrapped his arms around you, him looking at the group with fear and concern.

"We aren't going to let him take you, Y/N. Don't worry." Dustin told you as you still clung onto Eddie. You didn't say a word, you just stayed silent through the chaos. Everyone's voices became loud, arguing about what to do. You let go of Eddie, running to whichever room you could to get away. As the girls were about to follow you, Eddie stopped them.

"Just stay here. You guys are making it worse." Eddie told the group.

"Seriously, Eddie? We're just trying to help." Steve argued.

"She's scared, guys. I know you all have been through this before and Y/N's been through a lot of shit, but can you imagine what it's like to know your horrific, gruesome death is about to happen? No, you can't. Just give her some space and think of a quick and realistic solution for this bullshit!" Eddie shouted, then made his way to Max's room where you were hiding in. "Princess?" Your head shot up when you saw Eddie.

"Hi." You said quietly. Eddie sat down next to you, backs against the bed. He pulled you to him, and you put your head on his chest.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you," Eddie whispered into your hair.

"You can't say that. You can't control this."

"Hey, hey, look at me," Eddie said, moving slightly aside so he could cup your face with his hands. "You are stuck with me for life, which means I am not letting anything happen to you. Ever. I love you more than anything and I would lose my fucking mind if anything happened to you. Even if he lays a finger on you, I'm killing that son of a bitch." You slightly laughed at the last comment. Eddie pulled you even closer to him, placing a kiss on the side of your head.

"I knew it was going to be me. I just knew it. I've gone through too much for him to just let that go." You whispered.

"I'm so sorry babe. I wish this wasn't happening."

"Me too." You agreed. "I'm terrified." Eddie looked into your eyes, giving you a look of sympathy.

"I know."

"But I'm not going to let that spooky bitch win this time." You said, making Eddie smile. "So let's get out there and figure this shit out." You added, standing up. Eddie followed and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"That's my girl." 

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