ultimate sleepover

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prompt: "the nightmares won't stop" & "id die for you" "please live for me instead"

summary: you are having constant nightmares, & your best friend eddie is worried. you have an ultimate sleepover at his house, resulting in him comforting you after a nightmare & something you didn't expect <3

warnings: none i don't think! a bunch of fluff, some tiny spice at the end, and some bad language! 

*for the timeline, this takes place between seasons three and four*


You woke up to sweat and tears again. The same nightmares from the upside-down and mind-flayer play in your head like they do every night. You continuously go to school every day with bags under your eyes, messy hair, and barely put together nice clothes. You were a wreck. You just wanted the nightmares to stop. Lucky for you, your best friend, Eddie, took notice every single day of your behavior and was worried about you.

"Why won't you just tell me what's wrong?" Eddie questioned; his arm around you at the lunch table.

"Because I just haven't been sleeping well, that's all." You gave him a small smile and picked at your food.

"Since when do you pick at your fruit parfait? You demolish that on any other day." Eddie pointed out.

"Just not in the mood for it today." You said simply.

"That's it!" Eddie exclaimed.


"You're staying at my house tonight. We will get your stuff after school from your house and then have an ultimate sleepover at mine. I'm talking popcorn, movies, a fort, the whole sha-bang!" Eddie had the biggest smile on his face when he was telling you about the night ahead of you. You couldn't help but stare. "You're smiling. I haven't seen you smile like that in weeks." Eddie looked you dead in the eyes.

"My best friend is an idiot that makes me incredibly happy, what can I say."

You were looking forward to this sleepover. You were hoping that maybe just this one night would mean no nightmares. Eddie may be your best friend, but you couldn't tell him about the upside-down or anything you and your friends had been through the past few years. Not because you couldn't trust him, but because you didn't want him to get roped in. You would never live with yourself if something happened to him because of you. Not to mention the fact that you would easily spend the rest of your life with him if he felt the same way about you. Let's be honest, you picture him naked way too much.

"Ready for the best night of your life?" Eddie exclaimed when he opened the trailer door, leading you inside.

"Hell yes, I am!" You gave him a big smile, and he pulled you in for a hug. "What's this for?"

"You're an idiot that makes me incredibly happy." Eddie said, quoting your words from earlier that day. You smiled and moved your bag into his bedroom. You were looking around as if you hadn't been there a million times before.

"You can get your stuff situated, I'm taking the couch." Eddie told you, stepping into the bedroom.

"What? No, I don't want to take your bed. I can take the couch." You offered.

"Y/N, I washed the bedding just for you, you're taking the damn bed." You both smiled.

"I wondered where that awful scent went." You joked, and Eddie picked you up and threw you on the bed, laughing historically. He was laying next to you when you looked over to smile at him.

"Shall we eat popcorn and watch stupid movies?" Eddie got up, offering you his hand to help you off the bed.

"Don't forget about the fort." You commented.

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