just shut up and kiss me | drabble-ish

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prompts: "you're blushing" & "just shut up and kiss me" & "im not drunk enough for this" & "there is a big sale going on right now" "where?" "in my room. clothes are 100% off"

summary: you get drunk at a party and accidentally tell eddie how you feel about him <3

warnings: language, teenage drinking

*yes this is based off that one tiktok audio lol*

*more requests coming soon! i have been super busy and trying to get them done but also make them perfect! thank you for the overwhelming support this book has gotten! keep our love for eddie strong!!!* 


"Can you please put the wine bottle down? I think you've both had too much to drink." Dustin told you and Steve as he watched you both pass the wine bottle back and forth. You were having a group party at your house, and obviously had to break into your parents wine cellar.

"We're fine, dad." You responded. "Is Eddie here tonight?" You questioned, looking around.

"He said he was running late."

"Oh, so alcohol is what helps you finally make a move on Munson? It's about damn time." Steve said. You threw him the middle finger and stood up off the couch.

"At first, I was like 'mmm Eddie' as a joke, ok!" You exclaimed.

"Stop talking!" Dustin told you, but you continued anyway.

"But I don't think it's a joke anymore! I am falling in love!"

"Y/N, turn around," Dustin said, making you freeze. You slowly turned around to see Eddie standing there, smirking, and also visibly blushing.

"I am not drunk enough for this." You said, grabbing the wine bottle from Steve and taking a long sip.

"You're blushing, Munson!" Steve exclaimed.

"Shut up, Harrington," Eddie told Steve and then walked to your side. "How about we make you some coffee and go lay down? You've had enough wine tonight Princess." Eddie wrapped his arm around you and walked you to your kitchen, where he made you coffee and a snack.

After two cups of coffee, plenty of snacks, and some water, you finally felt a little more with it than before. As you were eating a pop tart and snuggled in your bed, you stared at Eddie, who was sitting at the end of your bed, facing you.

"I'm sorry you heard all of that. That wasn't how I wanted you to find out that I have feelings for you." You apologized.

"It was a pretty memorable way, to say the least," Eddie said, laughing. "I'll call you tomorrow to check in on you." Eddie got up and started to leave, but you didn't want to be alone.

"Can you please stay? I feel like shit and really don't want to be alone. Please never let Steve near me again with alcohol." Eddie laughed at your comment, but turned around and was going to lay on the floor. "You can stay in my bed. I promise I won't throw up on you." Eddie laughed.

"I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage."

"Stop being perfect and lay down." You told Eddie, admiring his morals.

Eddie took off his jacket and shoes and laid down next to you. Your backs were facing each other, huge smiles on both of your faces.

"Thank you." You whispered, falling asleep.

"Anything for you."

When you woke up in the morning, strong arms were wrapped around your waist, making you snuggle deeper into Eddie's touch. He slowly started to wake up and noticed his position. He tried getting out of bed as quietly as possible, assuming you were still sleeping. He made his way into the kitchen, where he was greeted by a very hungover Steve.

"I didn't know you stayed here last night," Steve said, making himself coffee.

"Didn't want to leave Y/N alone. She also told me not to let you near her again with alcohol." Eddie responded. Steve wincing.

"Stop talking so loud, dude."

"CAN YOU MAKE ME SOME COFFEE STEVE!" Dustin suddenly entered the room, shouting to piss Steve off.

"What the hell!" Steve covered his ears.

"What is all of this yelling?" You entered the kitchen, giving a questioning look.

"Steve is extremely hungover," Eddie answered simply. You nodded, understanding.

After about an hour, you deemed Steve worthy enough to drive himself and Dustin home, which left just you and Eddie in your kitchen.

"So are we pretending what I said last night didn't happen because you don't feel the same way... or..." You started, needing to know how Eddie felt about you.

"I never said I didn't feel the same way."

"You never said you do feel the same. If you don't, I understand. I'm super annoying and weird, but—" Eddie cut you off by grabbing your face with his hands.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

You didn't waste a second as you pressed your lips to Eddie's, sinking into his delicious lips. He pushed you against the counter, hands running all over your body.

"There is a big sale going on right now." You said, breaking the kiss. Eddie looked extremely confused but still smiling.


"In my room. Clothes are 100% off." Eddie smirked at your joke, and picked you up, and began carrying you to your room.

"Don't have to tell me twice." 


sorry this is short and sucky lol! 

also, for everyone asking, yes, i am working on an imagine where eddie....... in y/n's arms. it'll basically be y/n in my favorite parts of volume two and whatnot! i will be crying while writing it lol im not ready 

make sure to vote! 

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