you just called me her boyfriend

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summary: you, steve's sister, are visiting from college and steve warns eddie not to try anything with you... he doesn't listen ;)

warnings: spicy! mentions of sex! language!

*omg i am so sorry i haven't updated! i have been in such a funk with my writing. hopefully this one makes up for it! 90% of this was inspired by tiktoks i found lol*


and last thing... joseph quinn on jimmy fallon?! PRECIOUS ANGEL BABY OMG I LOVE HIM!!


"Don't you dare flirt with her, make eye contact with her, breathe near her, nothing of the sorts! Got it?" Steve was in the middle of giving Eddie a long speech about how he can't go anywhere near you, his older sister who is visiting from college. "Plan A: do not sleep with my sister! Plan B: do not fuck up plan A! I'm watching you, Munson!"

"Dude, can you please calm down? I am not going to do anything with your sister, okay?" Eddie assured the panicking Steve.

"You better not, or I'll kill you."

"What even makes you think her and I would have a thing? She's related to you so not my type." Steve threw Eddie a look.

"Just leave her alone, okay?" Steve walked out of Eddie's trailer, heading to the airport to pick you up.

When you saw Steve from the terminal gate, you began running, and jumped into his arms, so happy to see your brother.

"I missed you, you idiot." You told Steve, standing in front of him and hitting his shoulder.

"I missed you more. Everyone is excited to see you." Steve told you.

You made your way to Dustin's house, as everyone usually hung out there since you and Steve didn't want your friends around your crappy parents. When you got out of the car, Dustin and Robin were waiting for you outside.

"Y/N!" Robin and Dustin shouted, Robin running and jumping into your arms, wrapping her legs around you. You started hysterically laughing, and held onto her so you both wouldn't fall to the ground. When she finally let go, she hugged you like a normal person, Dustin joining in.

"Thank gosh you're here, Steve is going senile again," Dustin told you.

"I am not." Steve protested.

"After hearing how you threatened Eddie, yeah, you are."

"Eddie as in Eddie Munson who you are wildly jealous of because you think Dustin likes him more than you?" You questioned.

"I never said that!" You laughed at Dustin, and the four of you walked into the house.

He was sitting on the couch when you walked in, and you locked eyes immediately and smiled. Shit, he thought to himself.

"Eddie, this is my sister Y/N," Steve said, unenthusiastically. Eddie stood up, standing in front of you. He grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it and bowed. You giggled and whispered a 'hi'.

"Hey, no, no, no! I told you not to flirt with her! We talked about this Munson!" Steve warned when he saw the two of you.

"Really? I don't remember having that conversation. Must have been someone else." Eddie said innocently, smiling at you, sending you a wink.

"I hate you." Steve told Eddie.

A couple of days later, after much flirting and smiling despite Steve's protests, you and Eddie found yourselves alone in Dustin's house while Steve was helping Dustin build something in the backyard. You were both sitting on the couch, sneaking quick glances at each other while pretending to watch TV.

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