what's with all of this talk of marriage, munson? | drabble-ish

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requested by: -trinityy

summary: eddie goes with you to a family reunion and your heart melts when you see him playing with your younger cousins <3

warnings: implied sex talk, language?? not proof read


"Seriously you do not have to go with me!"

"But I want to!"

You and your boyfriend, Eddie, who you've been dating for four years, were having a discussion about your family reunion happening tomorrow. Your mom invited Eddie, but you know things like that don't usually interest him, so you didn't want him to feel obligated to go.

"Are you sure?" You questioned, both of you sitting on your shared bed. You've been living together for a year, and you're surprisingly not tired of each other yet.

"I'm sure. It'll be fun and I can finally meet more of your family."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Thank you," Eddie said, then pulled you over to him, kissing you all over your face, making you laugh like crazy.

"Stop it!" You told Eddie, still laughing.

"Fine, I won't kiss you ever again," Eddie responded, moving onto the other side of the bed.

"No!" You exclaimed, climbing over and jumping on top of him, legs straddling his lap. "Never stop kissing me."

"Guess you're going to have to marry me then," Eddie said, running his fingers through your hair.

"Eddie Munson wants to get married? No way. You swore to Dustin no girl would ever tie you down."

"I think us dating for four years over rules that," Eddie told you, now cupping your cheeks. "And living together."

"Well we'd have to adopt Dustin then, he can move in."

"Oh hell no." You started laughing at Eddie's response, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"I love you, you weirdo." You told him.

"I love you more, weirdo."

As soon as you showed up to the reunion, your family was all over Eddie. Asking questions, threatening him, and saying he better treat you right; everything a family does to the boyfriend when they're meeting him for the first time. Eventually, you were able to get the mob away from Eddie. You were called into the house to talk to your aunt while Eddie stayed in the backyard.

When you were opening the door to come back outside, you found Eddie running around with your little cousins. You laughed as Eddie chased them around the playset, them laughing and screaming with cheer. You smiled wide at the sight of Eddie with kids. You knew he was good with bratty teenagers, but not young children.

Of course, this made your heart melt like crazy. There had never been a discussion about him wanting kids, but now your mind was going crazy with the possibility as you continued to watch him and your cousins running around.

"He's a good one." Your aunt said from behind you, breaking you out of your thoughts.

"He is." You responded.

"Needs a haircut though." She joked, making you both laugh.

"Y/N! Help!" You heard Eddie cry. You looked over to see all of your cousins pilled on top of him.



On the drive home, Eddie had his hand on your thigh, both of you singing to the music playing. You kept looking over at Eddie, smiling like an idiot, replaying earlier events.

"What has you all smiley?" Eddie questioned, looking over at you.

"Just thinking about you with the kids today. It was sweet. You're really good with them."

"They were cute."

"Have you ever considered having kids one day?" You asked hesitantly.

"I never used to," Eddie said, looking back over at you. "Until I met you."

"Really?" You said, almost in disbelief, butterflies in your stomach.

"Yes, really, you goof. You do know I'm in love with you, right?" Eddie said, laughing lightly.

"No, I wasn't aware." You countered as you pulled up to your shared apartment.

"Oh really?" Eddie questioned, reaching over and grabbing you, pulling you on top of him. "Look like I'm going to have to change that." He said, smirking.

"We are literally in our apartment complex." You pointed out.

"Then let's get your cute ass upstairs and in the bedroom."

"Sounds good to me, but no children yet." You joked.

"Obviously. We're getting married before we do that."

"What's with all of this talk of marriage, Munson?" You teased, raising your eyebrows.

"None of your business," Eddie said quickly.


"Am not." 


we need a part two with a proposal, what do we think? hehe 

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