more protective over randy rhoads | drabble

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requested by: hughesharry

summary: eddie is obsessed with randy rhoads and dustin loves to make fun of him for it 

warnings: language, public kissinggg

*i didnt realize anyone knew who randy rhoads is lol. i actually love metal music like eddie which is hilarious* 


Two things seem to be clear with Eddie Munson right now: he loves you, and he loves Randy Rhoads. Even though the first one may be arguable at this point in his obsession.

"Who's Randy Rhoads?" Mike questioned after Eddie mentioned his name. You and Dustin basically jumped out of your seats at the lunch table.

"Dude shut up! He will lose it!" Dustin warned.

"Did you just ask who Randy Rhoads is? Only the greatest guitarist and person to ever walk the earth!" Eddie shouted.

"First of all, ouch. Second, see what you did Mike!" You said. Eddie was now standing on the table, squatted down to face Mike and Dustin who were next to you.

"He helped Ozzy become Ozzy! The man is legendary!"

"It would be more legendary is he was Ozzy, but he's not." Dustin told Eddie. "You need to get over this obsession, man."

"So fight me then!" Eddie exclaimed. You all looked at him as if he were insane.

"Eddie, baby, will you please chill the fuck out? You aren't making any sense." You told your mental boyfriend. "You just threatened to fight a fourteen-year-old boy. Stop it."


"You are literally more protective over Randy Rhoads than your own girlfriend!" You told him, laughing.

"Yeah!" Dustin agreed. Eddie got in Dustin's face, making him scoot back in his chair.

"I will end you," Eddie whispered to Dustin. You stood up and grabbed Eddie's hand, yanking him off the table.

"Can you pause being more in love with Randy Rhoads than your girlfriend until later?" You asked Eddie, giving a puppy face to make him feel bad. He instantly caved.

"Fine! I suppose."

"Thank you for your enthusiasm." You joked. Eddie lifted you up, spinning you around, planting kisses all over your face. Your giggle filled the air, and Eddie couldn't stop smiling. When he put you down, he kissed your lips, grabbing your face gently.

"See, I do love you more than anything in the entire world," Eddie whispered, forehead against yours.

"You should show me after school just how much you love me." You smirked.


"Shut up!"


The boy's protests carried on, and Eddie simply sat down, pulled you onto his lap, sank his lips into yours and flipped the boys off. You broke away, laughing.

"Wait until you all get girlfriends who are actually here and not miles away. You won't be saying 'ew' then." You told them.

"Or imaginary," Eddie added.

"Suzie is real! Tell him Y/N!" You laughed at Dustin's protests. "At least I don't obsess over guitar players who are no longer living!"

"Way to be nice about it, Dustin." You laughed.

"Would you rather Y/N and I suck face in front of you, because we will!" Eddie shouted. The boys shouted their "no's" in unison and you and Eddie laughed. Eddie then pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around you, his lips attacking yours. Dustin threw an apple at Eddie, and all of the boys picked up their things and left. "Finally, they're gone." Eddie said. "Can I tell you about the guitar Randy Rhoads uses?"

"Of course sweetheart." You laughed and held onto Eddie as he went on and on about his idol. 


hope you love it! make sure to vote :) 

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