you never lost me

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requested by: lexifrasier & bailey897259 (two separate requests but i combined them into one, hope that's ok!)

summary: you broke up with eddie because everyone told you that you weren't good together, so when you see him with another girl, you must make him jealous, and you know just the person to help: the one that made you break up with eddie... your best friend, steve harrington.

warnings: language, tiny spice, not proof read


When you found out your ex-boyfriend, Eddie, was already moved on and seeing other people after only weeks, you spiraled. How could he move on so quickly? Sure, you ended things with him, but only because everyone convinced you that you shouldn't be with him. Now, seeing him with stupid Laura Fields on his lap at lunch, which was so unlike him, you didn't give a fuck about what they said. You wanted your man back.

"Harrington!" You shouted at Steve, throwing the doors open to Family Video.

"Woah, calm down." He told you, he and Robin walking up to you.

"I will not calm down. You made me break up with Eddie, and now he has girls all over him. You are helping me get him back." You demanded. Steve threw his arms up, his usual mom position.

"No way in hell I am, and that was not my fault."

"You're going with me to Tracy's party on Friday."

"No, I'm not." You got close to Steve, grabbing his Family Video vest.

"Does it look like I'm kidding, Harrington?" You whispered. "You owe me."

"Fine! Just let go, psycho!" You released Steve, laughing.

"See you Friday at seven, pretty boy!" You told Steve, triumphantly, walking out of Family Video.

"Why are we friends with her?" Steve asked Robin.

"Because she's the best."

"Yeah, the best psycho terror."

"You're looking handsome, Harrington." You told Steve on Friday night as you opened your front door.

"And you look beautiful. A little desperate, but beautiful." Steve joked, causing you to punch him in the shoulder.

"Remember, your fault!" You shouted, walking past him to his car. Steve closed your front door and ran to catch up with you. You both got in the car, and Steve drove off. You chit-chatted the whole ride, as you two usually did. Steve was wildly arrogant, sarcastic, dumb, and impulsive, but he was your best friend.

"Ready to knock em dead?" Steve questioned as you drove up to Tracy's house.


You walked into the party hand in hand, all eyes on the both of you. Robin was across the living room, waving when she saw you. You searched the room, eventually finding Eddie and Laura in the hallway. His eyes found yours, then Steve, a sting going through Eddie. You looked away, hugging Robin and making your way to get a drink.

After about too many drinks to count, you were extremely tipsy, dancing and grinding with Steve to the music. You kept checking to see if Eddie was watching, and after a while, he was nowhere to be seen, but Laura was still there, dancing on the other side of the room.

Guys were coming up to you left and right, Steve having to tell them to fuck off every time. When you started losing your balance, Steve tried getting you to sit down, but you refused. Eventually, he and Robin were able to get you into the hallway, where you found the restroom, running for the toilet. Steve sat there, holding your hair back as you threw up, looking sympathetically at Robin.

"Go find him," Steve told her, Robin nodding and running off. Soon enough, Robin found Eddie upstairs, alone in a bedroom.

"Eddie," Robin said, completely out of breath and hunched over.

"What do you want, Robin?"

"We need your help." She told him.

"Haven't you two done enough? How could you let her get like that tonight?" Eddie questioned, standing up and crossing his arms.


Eddie rushed downstairs, pushing through anyone in his way to get to you. You were still over the toilet when Eddie stood in the doorway. He scooted back a little, listening to your rambling to Steve.

"I'm such an idiot. Such an idiot! How could I break up with him? All your fault Harrington! All your fault! I hate Laura, I hate her. Why her? Why'd you let me drink tonight? Eddie wouldn't of let me. He knows I can't handle my alcohol!" Eddie smiled and finally stepped into the bathroom. Steve turned around, a look of relief on his face.

"Y/N, pause your sob story for one second and look up." You slowly looked up, seeing Eddie. You smiled.

"Are you telling me my plan to make him jealous worked?! Oh, it so worked!" You exclaimed and then threw up once more. Eddie went to your side, grabbing a towel and cleaning your face. He helped you up, picking you up bridal style. "Woah!" You yelled, holding on tight to Eddie.

"Her parents will kill her if she goes home like this, I can take her to my house. She still has clothes there anyway. If that's alright." Eddie said to Steve and Robin, who had just walked up.

"She'll be more comfortable with you anyway. She hates us right now."

"She's just drunk." Eddie assured Steve.

"Nope, she's been saying it since the minute you broke up. We told her you weren't good for her. So yeah, it is our fault. I'm sorry man." Steve told Eddie. Eddie just nodded, and walked out, holding onto you tightly. When you got to his trailer, he gave you your clothes to change into, and surprisingly, you were able to change yourself.

"This is your shirt! I love this shirt!" You yelled and threw yourself in bed. Eddie came back into the room, tucking you in. "I'm sorry."

"Shh. Let's talk tomorrow. Get some sleep pretty girl." Eddie kissed your forehead, and turned off the light, closing the door. He laid on the couch, eventually falling asleep.

You woke up the next morning with a killer headache. You looked around, confused, but then realized you were in Eddie's room. How'd you get there? You got up slowly, stumbling a bit. When you opened the bedroom door, Eddie was still asleep on the couch. You got pills for your headache from the cabinet and made some coffee. Just like nothing had changed.

You sat on the edge of the couch, putting the two cups of coffee you made on the table in front of you. Eddie stirred, getting up and smiling at you.

"How'd you sleep? Are you feeling okay? We can go to the store if you need anything." Eddie told you. You just smiled at him, tears filling your eyes. You hugged him as tight as you could, crying into his neck. He rubbed your head and back, snuggling into you. "It's okay." He whispered.

"I'm so sorry."

"Princess, it's okay."

"It's not okay. I'm such an idiot for listening to them and letting you go." You told him, breaking away. Eddie wiped the tears from your eyes, kissing your forehead. "Why Laura? You know I hate her."

"And you know I hate Steve."

"You did it to make me jealous?" You said, shocked. "Asshole!" Eddie laughed.

"Says you! Steve? Really?"

"Hey, he owed me." You said, throwing your hands up in defeat. "Can we give this another chance? If not, I totally understand if you never want to see me again. I'm sure I lost you by now." You told Eddie.



"You never lost me," Eddie said, then putting his lips on yours. He pulled you onto his lap, your legs hanging onto the couch. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his around your waist. The intense kisses continued, until you finally broke away, both of you smiling. "And I never stopped loving you, even though you have stupid friends." Eddie joked.

"And I never stopped loving you, even though you're an asshole." 

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