you always make me feel safe

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summary: you are struggling with insecurities and eddie is always there to make you feel better <3

warnings: mentions bullying and insecurities 

this was requested by an amazing and beautiful person and i hope this brought some joy and a smile on your face <3 


How did you get so lucky? You thought about how lucky you were to have Eddie a million times a day, especially when he made you feel beautiful through all of your insecurities. You were never fond of your smile, or the way your teeth just didn't look perfect, but Eddie didn't care about any of that. Every time he caught you looking in the mirror, wishing your smile would magically change, he would kiss you like crazy, making you laugh and him telling you a thousand times how happy your smile makes him.

When the bullying from the popular football players and cheerleaders started at school, Eddie was there too. He never left your side unless he had to for class, and made sure those assholes didn't go near you. He knew the only reason they started making fun of you was because you were dating him, and he wasn't going to let them make your life miserable.

You and Eddie were sitting on his couch, studying, when you started to cry. He heard you and immediately shot up, making sure you were ok.

"Y/N? What's wrong Princess?" He questioned, pushing his books out of the way and scooting next to you. He saw the piece of paper in your hands and raised his brows. Jump off a cliff with your freak ass boyfriend. He couldn't believe his own eyes when he read it. He snatched the paper from your hands and tore it into shreds. When your crying became almost hysterical, he threw your books off of your lap and pulled you into his arms as tight as he could. "Shhhh." Eddie rubbed your back and the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair.

"I don't understand why I deserve this." You barely got out through the tears.

"You don't deserve this, at all. You are an amazing person, my love. The most beautiful person in the world. They are jealous of your light and your glow. And they are clearly jealous of my awesome ass hair!" Eddie joked at the end, which made you laugh lightly. "See, gorgeous!" He exclaimed. He grabbed your face with his hands, wiping away tears. You eventually stopped crying, and Eddie hadn't let go of your face the whole time. "Even when you're crying you're still the most beautiful girl in the world." He told you, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Liar." You told him, slightly smiling.

"Don't you dare call me a liar! I have never lied to you!" Eddie said in a fake offended tone and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He ran around like a crazy person, you still over his shoulder. You held onto his shoulders and back, trying not to fall. You couldn't stop laughing, and neither could he.

"Put me down you psycho!" You said, laughing more. He went into his room and threw you onto his bed. He jumped on top of you, acting like a wrestler, and hugged you. You relaxed into his arms and caught your breath. Eddie pulled away from the hug to look into your eyes and he smiled at you. "What?" You asked.

"I may give you my brain so you can see yourself how I see you. Perfect." You started tearing up at his words, and kissed him lightly.

"I love you so much. How did I get so lucky?" You told him. He shook his head.

"I'm the lucky one, Y/N."

"Sometimes I feel like you tell me all of that stuff just to make me feel better." You admitted.

"I say it because it's true. I have told you how beautiful you are literally since the day I met you, and I will never stop." Eddie told you, pulling you into his arms again. "I love you." He kissed the top of your head. "I am always here no matter what, Princess. I am your number one fan."

"And I'm yours." You kissed him again. "Oh, and Eddie?"


"I do not want your  brain." You laughed when Eddie put his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended again.

"My brain is not that bad."

"Yes, sweetheart, it is. It's loaded with Hellfire knowledge that I genuinely do not want to know about." You joked.

"You're right, you can't know our deep dark secrets." Eddie told you. You laughed and lightly hit his arm. Eddie pulled you in his arms once again, holding you tight.

"You always make me feel so safe." You whispered. Eddie heard you, smiling. He kissed your head and snuggled into your touch more. You both drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and happy. 

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